Ch 2 part 2

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Deeks rolled his eyes and looked up. Hello, Rachel. He greeted. Marty. She replied.

Any stranger walking by would never guess the Rachel smith was Leo mother, he looked absolutely nothing like her. Dark hair, green eyes, and an infriedlt smile, Rangel was petty in her own right.

But she wasn't the kind of prety that caught Deeks eye anymore. The only kind that did that anymore was brunette hair, and mismatched eyes.

Deeks still has yet to let go of Leo, one arm still holding the little boy around the waist. Likewise Leo's arms where firmly wound around his feathers neck.

Not that I'm complaining, at all, but you're never let Leo come down here. To what so I owe the pleasure of this visit? Deeks asked.

Rachel huffed and crossed her arms. Leo go play. She told the boy.

Leo shock his head and stepped closer to Deeks, who couldn't fight the smirk growing on his face. 

I lifer ally have held him for less then five minutes and you're already pulling him away from me? Deeks saild, bitterness teaming in his voice.

This isn't really a conversation he needs to hear.  Rachel sighed. Leo I saild go play. She added sharply.

I not want to .... Leo whined cuffing close to Deeks.

Deeks stared up at Rachel for a moment, before he sighed and let go of Leo. He bubbly mummy and daddy need to talk for a minute,alright? Sh how about you go play where I can see you ok? Deeks saild.

Leo nodded. Ok daddy. He agreed. Walking a few steps away and plopping down in the sand; pulling a toy car from his pocket.

Oh, I'd course he listen to you. Rachel rolled her eyes.

Deeks stood back up and stepped to lean ageist his car; starting perfect view of his son. Smiling as he watched the little boy play happily. 

So why you here Rachel? You need more mo ey? Leo said you got a new boyfriend; you never call me when you're got some guy in your life. Deeks asked.

She rolled her eyes. That the point. Michael didn't like Leo. He doesn't want to take care of another mans kid.

The shaggy detective arched an eyebrow at her. Ok, so you break up with him. If he doesnt like my so, tough.

No not tougher. She shook her head.

Deeks looked sat her incredulously. What's are you saying what you picking this new guy over your son? He gaped at her.

Marty Michael is a good man m; he gonna take care of me after I leaves here. Rachel explained.

He's a good guy. By that you mean he's rich and he's going to Thaler care of you because you don't date good guys anymore. Deeks chucked humorless you. 

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