Chapter 2 reunites

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Deeks wasn't ashamed to say that, as he was holding onto the number one tomato important thing in his life, he had tears pooling in his eyes. Deeks had dropped to his knees the second he see him getting out of the taxi.

His son.
Deeks son.

Leo. Deeks managed to choke out as the boy ran into his fathers arms and hugged around his neck.

Hi daddy. The boy replied happily.

It had been so long since Deeks had done this; held his son in his arms. He got ton bigger since he's last see Leonardo Deeks; commonly known as just Leo.

I. Missed you, so much little man. Deeks saild. His Boise dripping with the sorrow that has filled him the past eleven mouths sine he Horton to see Leo.

I missed yo too, daddy. Leo replied happily.  Pulling back to look as his fathers face. 

Deeks couldn't help but smile at his son standing in front of him. Leo was practically his little clone; blonde shaggy hair, bright blue eyes, even the mischievous smile. The little boy was smiling from ear to ear, excitement coming off his little three year old figure in wares.

Deeks cupped his son faces and gently brush the hair away from his eyes. You been doing ok? He inquired.

Leo shrugged. Mummy has a new boyfriend; he has cooties. He informed him quite seriously.

This brought a chuckle from the man   Oh yea? Why's that? Deeks asked. Cuz he mean and he no wike  me. So he fits cootie. Leo explained.

Of course: there's no. Other explanation. Anyone who doesn't like you has cooties. Deeks nodded, growing slightly.

Ahem. A new Boise announced her presence, tried of bring ignored.

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