1 livin in a lonely world

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Marty Deeks awoke to the shrill ringing of his alarm clock, his least favourite way to start his day.  He sighed, frustrated , and slammed his hand down on the noisy thing to strut it off.

Rubbing a hand over his face, Deeks looks around his room and the overwhelming silence of his apartment. Not for the first time, Deeks wished he wasn't alone ; he wished there was a family running around his house.

But there were very specific people he wanted in his family. And neither of them were options.

The scruffy LAPD detective let his mind wander with thoughts of a family , until a new mouse broke the deafening slience in his bedroom. He glanced at his phone ; a text from Kensi.

That quickly brought a smile to Deeks face.

It's your turn to drive, be here on 45 mins.  Bring donuts. Kensi

How could I possible forget your precious donuts, Kensi? Deeks couldn't hep but chucke as he managed to roll out of bed and head to his shower, After shooting her a reply message to inform her that he'd be there.

He didn't bother to tell her that he'd be there in an hour' just to piss her off.

Callen and San looked up as they heard Kensi and Deeks bickering from the tunnel of the mission.

Called smirked and looked back at his parter sitting diagonally from him. "I knew it wax too quit. "

Yea ' you put the love briefs on the same building and the volume increases. Sam rolled his eyes

Oh c'mon, G. It so obvious they've got a thing. I

Daddy Deeks Where stories live. Discover now