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"Olivia Owens and Ellie Bauhn"

Niall says in is sweet Irish accent.

He..he just said mine and Olivia's names!

We're through!

"Thank you so much!" I tell Niall and Guy and Olivia and I turn to give each other a massive hug.

"As to the rest of you who didn't make it through, well done for making it this far and good luck in the future" Guy says.

The girls all start to make their way backstage when the girl in the purple dress who's name is Anita yells out

"This is all bull! you just chose the girls you fancy or the 'hot' ones"

Im so disgusted at her rude remark. I knew she was a snob. She pretty much just called her self ugly and I don't know how I let it slip through but I laugh gently thinking no one heard me. Obviously she did.

"Excuse me!?" she screams.

She's staring at me with wide eyes and before I know it, she's charging at me with wide eyes. I gasp as she raises her arm up to try and slap me but I dodge it and she hits herself hard in the breast.

"I... I didn't mean to! I just laughed at how you pretty much called yourself ugly after you being so up yourself before saying you were gorgeous and how you had an amazing voice." I said quietly.

"Your a bitch and I hope you lose, you don't even deserve to be here! Your voice is terrible and you look so god damn ugly! Put some makeup on!" she screams in my face. My eyes are getting wetter and I try and hold back my tears but I can't. A small tear trickles down my face. As I'm about to say something, Niall's strong, warm arms bring me into a tight, comforting hug as he rubs his arm in circles on my back soothing me.

This is what I thought would happen. I knew I wasn't good enough, no matter how many people tell me I am. They just said it to make me feel better and Niall probably only told Guy to put me through so that he didn't make a fool of himself saying I was good and me not making it through.

As much as I think that's why Niall did that, I know its not true. He wouldn't.

This brings me back to my thoughts with Rebecca. Its crazy how two people can be so similar yet they wouldn't even know each other. Their personalities are exactly the same, but I never thought Anita would say something like that right in front of the judges and the cameras.... oh no. It was all filmed.

Crap, I start balling my eyes out as Niall shouts out

"Turn the cameras off now! And you..." he says pointing to Anita, "get The hell out of here, you have no right taking all your jealousy out on Ellie, she deserves to be here unlike you" he says and her face goes red with anger at his choice of words. She clenches her fists at the side but let's them go as she says

"Its not over Niall, I know just enough about you and Ellie to break her..and you"

she says with a sneaky grin on her face as she struts off stage like an over sized model. Yep oversized

"You won't go near any of us again and I can make sure of that" he screams after her confidently.

I hug him tighter as he does too and whispers into my ear

"She's nothing compared to you and don't listen to her. What she said isn't true love. I'll meet you backstage in half an hour okay?" he says pulling away, still looking at me in the eye.

I nod and he asks me if I'm okay and I tell him yes. I feel the need to thank him as Guy tells us our instructions for tomorrow morning and where to meet.

I walk over to Olivia and she asks if I'm alright. I nod.

"You deserve to be here as much as anyone else does, and I'm so glad I'm in a duo with you. Your alright" she says parting my back. I smile at her and we walk away waving at Guy and Niall as we leave.

"You deserve to be here Ellie, well done" Guy says as I walk off stage. I smile and then am brought back to happy thoughts as Olivia asks me what we should be called.

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