New beginnings

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"Caitlyn, turn your bloody alarm off! I'm trying to sleep!" I call out to my sister from my room at the other end of the hallway.

"Get over it Ellie, and get up now so we can go to your audition. Its 6 am i know, but get your but out of bed and get ready, unless you want to miss it!" She screams at me.

Its my auditon for X Factor today. I can't bring myself to get up because of my lack of sleep recently, worrying about whether or not I will get through.

My anger boils up and I kick my doona off of me, grunt and silently curse at mornings.

I know that once we arrive in the city, it will be packed. There will most likely be a massive que of people lining up for an audition, but I would rather sleep in till 6 am than camp out near the waiting line as I have seen happen on TV.

It seems quite odd knowing that in less than an hour, I will be standing around hundreds of people wanting to become famous singers and forfill their dreams, just as I want to.

I remember watching Xfactor when I was 12 thinking that could be me on stage one day. When I was old enough to audition, I was severely sick and I couldn't even get out of bed to go to the audition. The next year, when I was 16, I was away on holidays visiting my best friend in America, so I had to miss out on that audition aswell.

Here I am at 17 years of age, finally prepared to take my talent and show it to the world. I have been waiting for this moment for years and I'm fortunate that I'm able to even get an audition.

I get myself up and ready within half an hour, grab my guitar and meet my mum in the car so we can leave to the city of Melbourne.

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