X factor

48 2 0

The past week has been quite stressful. I remember the very first audition when I sang in front of the producers. It was nerve wrecking, but they were quite nice. I was so overwhelmed when they told me to come back the very next day to audition in front of another round of producers. Looking back, I'm pretty pleased with myself with my song choices. I got requested to sing in front of the judges for the third day and that's where the challenge began.

I finally got into boot camp and my mentor is Guy Sebastian. He is the mentor for girls under the age of 25.

Its a Friday now and I have had two days to prepare myself for boot camp after my audition. I have constantly been thinking who Guy would be choosing as a guest judge to help create our challenges. As I step on stage, I see a familiar face sitting next to Guy at the judges table.

"Morning girls, how are you all today" Guy asks.

Niall is staring at the back wall of the stage, obviously really bored. He glances at the girls and gives everyone a small smile. He spots me and his blue eyes light up and he gives me a big smile as the girls respond with a 'good' and some giggling as they see Niall.

"For you girls who don't know who this is, this Is Niall Horan from One Direction." Guy says while some girls bite their tongues and try to show off in front of Niall, while we just stare at eachother.

I'm so glad he is here, I've supported him since he started X Factor and I hope he supports me too.

"Hey girls" Niall says in his playful attitude along with one of his classic laughs. The girls all say 'hey' some in a shy tone and he throws his head back in laughter. Its a wonderful sight to see right in front of your eyes instead of on some small phone screen.

"Welcome to boot camp. Boot camp will consist of two challenges in the course of 48 hours. By the end of today, Niall and I will have chosen our top 12 artists to move to the next round tomorrow. By the end of tomorrow I will have my top 6 contestants and the show will begin. Your challenge today is to.."

Guy is cut off by Niall.

"Sorry to interrupt, but there's at least 50 of you here, from different cities and I was just asking before we start the challenges if we can get to know you all because I'd rather get to know people before sending them through to the next round or giving them a song choice that isn't their particular kind of genre?" he says.

He looks over at Guy.

"I suppose so, girls, if you don't mind sitting down in the spot where your in and we will start off with our names, what genre of music you like to sing, your favourite artists, your age and why you want to win X Factor. But please make it quick or we will run out of time. We will start from the you at the front of the stage and make our way back to you, at the back." Guy says.

All the girls do as he says. Niall looks at me and smiles at me. I can feel my cheeks heating up and he obviously notices but looks away as the first girl starts to speak.

"Hi everyone, my name is Olivia Owens" says a girl with brown eyes and wavy blonde hair. She's wearing casual clothes and has applied a small amount of makeup, not going too over the top.

"I am 19 years old and my favourite genre is pop rock or classic. My idol is definitely Pink, she's just so bubbly and has a great personality. I really want to win X Factor to show Australia what young girls are capable of doing" she says. I look over at her and she blushes as everyone claps. She seems nice, unlike some other girls here who have said things like

"well there are people who can sing small tunes or notes but then there people like me who can really belt out notes better than you youngsters can do"

as said by a girl who is apparently 23, but she looks like she is 40 due to the amount of make up she cakes on. Her hair extensions are all ratty and she's wearing black stalettos and a bright purple dress that almost shows her ass.

Niall scrunches his nose after she speaks and whispers something to Guy and he nods.

I'm in the back row so I'm almost last. When it comes to my turn I'm sick of girls saying how they wanted to get away from their parents yelling at them and they decided to audition for X Factor instead of going to Uni to become famous and get away from home.

Its all crap.

"Hi guys, My name is Ellie Bauhn and I'm 17 years old."

I feel all eyes on me and my cheeks start burning. I'm so shy around a lot of people. I look over at Niall who is listening carefully and nods for me to continue.

"I don't really have a favourite genre of music. I guess I just like catchy songs and songs that brighten up my day and increase my attitude towards relationships..not only boyfriends and so on but songs that change my attitude to how I should respect others. So I guess my favourite genre is.. well I don't know. Just whatever is new!"

Some of the snobby girls start giggling and rolling their eyes. I'm feeling a bit uneasy now.

"My favourite artist is... um well I've got 5 but they are all together. They are who inspired me to sing in the first place. They've always been my favourite band since 2010...One Direction."

I get a few cheers from some of the nicer girls, and Niall and Guy clap too.

"Thanks love, continue?" Niall says to me with a massive smile on his face.

"I want to win X Factor to be the best artist I can be" I say.

"Simple, but effective. Very nice" Olivia says with a friendly smile and I give one back.

I see Niall zoning out as the other girls speak. It hasn't taken too long, only about

half an hour until Guy tells us our first challenge.

"You guys have an hour to all learn a song that Niall and I have chosen. Drum roll please Niall"

Niall playfully smacks his hands on the desk with one last bang as Guy begins to speak.

"Unconditionally, by Katy Perry" he says.

The snobby and up them self girls all throw their hands in the air shouting 'whoooo' all high fiving each other.

Crap, I'm terrible at this song. I guess its a challenge after all.

Hey guys, thanks for the reads, your the bestest friends ever :)... and Its only been like a day haha here I am thinking I was going to get none! Now I understand if you think 'typical fangirling over Niall and they're gonna go out and live happily ever after and Ellie will win X Factor ' but no I'll put some twists into the story to make it more interesting so yeh.. that's the story of my life

El xx

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