Chapter 7: Making A Movie

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The next day, Renge doesn't show up during the actual club hours, but after the guests leave, she's right back to being control-freak and bringing in cookies for Kyoya, causing the guys to argue over stupid stuff.

"Every single one of you except for Kyoya; all of your characters are lukewarm! Each of you needs to have some sort of dark side, you understand? Girls are vulnerable to handsome young men who are troubled. If you keep carrying on like this, it's only a matter of time before the girls get tired of you and stop coming altogether. Are you trying to ruin my precious Kyoya's business!? As your manager, it's my duty to change your characters' backgrounds!" Renge rushes.

"Let's start with you!" she points to Honey. "From now on you are the babyfaced thug! Mori, you're his childhood friend, the flunkie. The Twins will be basketball players enslaved in their own world. Haruhi, you're an honor student who's constantly being bullied. As for you, Tamaki, you're the school idol who's admired for your good looks, but you actually have an inferiority complex that you're hiding from the world--the lonely prince!"

Renge turns and stares daggers at you. "(Y/N), stay away from my Kyoya!" she pivots and looks up at Kyoya himself with an adoring smile. "Kyoya, you're perfect just the way you are now, so I want you to stay as kind and affectionate as ever, okay?"

"Thank you, I'm honored," Kyoya replies kindly.

You grumble something unintelligible under your breath because you might as well not even be here if you're going to get cast aside. Renge also mentioned the hosts doing a movie, which you will not be in or do any piano playing for because of the professionals being flown in.

As Renge inspects Tamaki's new lonesome poses, you slide over to Kyoya's side.

"Let's just wait and see how things turn out. I bet it will be interesting. It always is," he says.

"This is just a big game to you, isn't it?" you question.

"Yes, exactly."


If one more Hollywood person asks you for coffee or tries to get your number, you're going to walk off a cliff. You had to stand around and watch the basketball scene, The Twins' and Tamaki's dramatic rain scene, and now Mori and Honey's scene where they're "bullying" Haruhi. You've never wanted to not be at school more in your entire life.

You stroll away from the scene with intentions of simply going home for the day. You're not interested in sticking around if you're not going to do something productive.

"Where do you think you're going?"

You glance to your left and see Kyoya standing there scribbling in his notebook before his eyes train onto you.

"Home. I'm of no use here," you respond.

"You have to stay. You're a member and you create a nice aura of togetherness for the others," Kyoya insists.

"Nice try, but you can't talk me into staying for whatever reason you--"


Your eyes widen and you run off to the sound of Tamaki's voice because it's obvious from his tone coming from around the corner that something happened. You get to the sight in time to see two guys rushing off in the distance and Tamaki checking on Haruhi.

"What happened?" you ask once you get to Haruhi's side.

Haruhi explains the idiotic actions of Renge and her immaturity in making assumptions about the lives of other people.

"Please tell me you got that, Cameraman!" Renge commands.

"Yes, Boss," the man confirms.

Anger erupts inside your body at her actions and blatant lack of concern. When you turn around to scold her, you see Kyoya walking over with something in his hand right before he smashes the camera lens with it. Your anger is replaced with bewilderment at the clear disdain shown on Kyoya's face. If you weren't so focused on the events happening, you might admit to him looking rather hot when his obvious displeasure isn't directed toward you.

"Is something wrong?" Renge asks worriedly.

"I'm terribly sorry, but I cannot allow there to be any record of a club member engaging in violence," Kyoya says. "I think you've caused enough trouble around here, Renge. Please stop being such a pest."

You give Kyoya an unintentional impressed look. It's not like his little facade to insult someone the way he just did, especially not in front of other people. You have to admit to yourself that you have always liked when Kyoya acts in his true form. It's just more real.

"A pest?" Renge whispers with tears in her eyes. "But you're supposed to pat me on the head and tell me not to worry! You're supposed to be kind and affectionate, Kyoya! Why are you acting so differently now? Tell me why!"

"Because that's not the real Kyoya," Tamaki states.

"I think everyone who knows him will tell you the same," you add.

"Does it really matter?" Haruhi asks, taking a few steps toward Renge. "Who cares if Kyoya is a little different than you expected him to be? Take a good look at the person inside and get to know him little by little. It's a lot more fun that way."

You grin at her words because it's what you had told her before. It's how you perceive others and the world around you that brings out your true character on the inside and you want Haruhi to experience and see that on her own.

The film crew and club members begin dispersing, but an idea strikes you and you catch up with Kyoya who is doing some intense budget calculations after today's filming.

"I have an idea," you announce, walking on his right. "You should take the footage already shot and sell it to the clients. You can price it at relatively anything to make enough to reimburse them for the camera, plus take the profits for future endeavors."

Kyoya stops walking and you do as well. You watch as he narrows his eyes and shifts them over to your form.

"That's not a bad idea."

"It's an amazing idea," you gloat. "One of those girls paid thousands for Haruhi's pencil, just imagine the money from a short film. I would calculate it myself, but you're the one with the notebook."

You notice a glint in the corner of Kyoya's eye that you've never paid attention to before, but it appears that he's looking at you differently somehow than he ever has previously. You're not sure if it's been there for a long time, but this is the first time you're actually seeing it.

"I'll see you tomorrow," you say.

You awkwardly shuffle away to get Haruhi and head home. Whatever that interaction with Kyoya was about, you're not sure if it will turn out to be a good thing or a bad thing.

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