chapter 20....Final

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"Hello son." The man came out of the shadows, a wicked smile planted on his face.

"Appa?" Key couldn't get it  through his head that is was his father who had taken Taemin. Key backed up towards Taemin. "Take one more step and I will blow his head off." Key's father pulled out a small hand gun from it's holder. Key stoped moving. "W...why are you doing this?" He asked. His father chuckled. "I have my reasons." "Since when?!" Key yelled. "You never had a reason for doing anything!" The smile faded from his father's face. He took large quick steps ending up in Key's face.  "I have my reason's." He said dangerously. "Name one." Key challenged. "Don't test me boy!" 


Taemin snaped his eye's shut when he saw Kay's father raised his fist. He only opened them when he heard a loud thump next to him. He looked down at Key who was rubbing his jaw in pain. Tears leaked from Taemin's eye's. Oh how we wished he wasn't so helpless, how he wanted do help his love. But he could do nothing. He was bound tightly to a cold metal chair with duct tape over his mouth. Key glanced up at Taemin. He could see the fear rising in Key's eye's. He turned back to his father. 

"What is it hat you want?" Key asked slowly, getting to his feet. "I want you to leave with me. We're going to leave this God awful city, but most of all ou'r going to leave that behind." He pointed the gun at Taemin. Taemin was haking in his chair. "What did you call him?!" Key asked. "That thing, you are going to leave and never speak to again!" His father yelled.  "You want me to leave my love-" "Shut the fuck up! He is not you'r love and you are not gay! I will not have it. You will leave with me Kibum." His father yelled.  

"And if I say no?" Key challenged. "Then I'll shot him." He raised the gun to level with Taemin's head. Key's face changed. He knew his father wasn't playing around.  Taemin saw the look on Key's face. He knew Key what Key was thinking.  'No Key please don't say it. Don't do it Key!' He screamed in his head, thrashing around. "I...I'll go with you." Key said quietly. Taemin froze. He couldn't believe his ears.

The smile grew wider on the mans face. "Good now let's go." He demanded. "Can I at least get a moment to say goodbye?" Key asked. "Make it quick." He sadi turning around to give them 'privacy'. Key started untying Taemin's ropes, taking the duct tape off his mouth. Taemin immediently threw himself at Key, tears streamed down his face. "Please don't leave me Key, please. He begged.

"There's no other way baby. I don't want to go, you of all people should know that. It's the only way to keep you safe.  I will never let him hurt you. I will find you again, I promise. Untill that day comes, be strong and nothing can harm you. Be happy ...for me. I love you Taemin, never forget this." Key pressed his lips softly to Taemin's, puting nothng but all the love in the world into the kiss.  "I love you so much Key."  Taemin said through sobs. 

"Oh hurry the fuck up Kibum!" Key's dad yelled, ruining their last moment together. "I have to go now Taemin." Taemin hugged him tighter. "Find me Key." He whispared. before letting him go. Key stood quickly, going to the door. He stoped and looked back at Taemin. He wiped away his tears. he wouldn't show anymore weakness to his father. Key's father got impatient and grabed Key pulling him out of the appartment.....out of Taemin's life. 

Taemin fell to his knees. He couldn't feel anything. He was just numb. He couldn't move, couldn't think. He didn't know how long he had starred into the empty space. He finally broke out of his numb trance to the sound of Jonghyun's voice and Minho chaking him. "Taemin! Taemin!" Taemin looked at Jonghyun. "Where's Key?" Minho asked. "...Gone...." He said quietly. "What do you mean gone?" Jonghyun asked. "...He..left..." Taemin wanted to cry, but nothing would come out. No, he wouldn't let any more tears fall. He had to stay strong for Key. 

Police sirens could be heard in the distance, getting closer. "Come on Taemin, we have to go." Jonghyun pulled Taemin to his feet. The three ran out of the building, heading the opposite direction of the police cars. Key's voice kept running through his head.

'I will find you again, I promis. Untill that day comes, Be strong and nothing can harm you. Be happy.....for me. I love you Taemin, never forget this.' 

Taemin took a deep breath calming himself. 'I will be happy for you Key. We will find eachother again. Be safe. I love you.'




:3 TAEKEY <3



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