chapter 2

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It had been two weeks since Key had become Taemin's friend. No one messed with with key unless they wanted to get their asses kick. Further more no one dared mess with Taemin. Well, while Key was around.Taemin walked down the busy hallway to the only class he had with out Key. People whispared as he made his way past them.

"SLUT!" That voice. The voice that haunted his dreams. Minho. Taemin looked back to see Minho coming towards him. He looked quickly for an escape, one of Minho's  friends blocked every exit. The older boy grabed th youngers wrist, dragging him away. They ended up behind the school. Minho pushed Taemin against the wall. "AHH!" Pain shot through the back of Taemin's head when it connected with the wall.

"This is for hurting my girlfriend!" He puched Taemin in the stomach. He fell to the ground curling into a ball. "I didn't do anything!" Taemin cried. "Shut up!" Minho kicked him across the face. "Please.....I didn't do anything." Taemin begged. "I said shut the fuck up!" Minho kicked him again.

"Taemin?" Some one called. Minho didn't hear them, he kept beating Taemin. "Hey what are you......." The beating stoped. "YAH! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" The person screamed. Taemin lifted his head as much as he could. "Key?" He whispared. Key punched Minho. 'He punched him!' Taemin couldn't beleive his eye's. Key hit him one more time before he fell to the ground and didn't get back up.

Key ran to the bleeding boy. "Taemin! Can you hear me?" "Yes." He whispared. "Do you think you can stand?" Key held the boy's head in his hands. "I'm not sure." He groaned closing his eye's.


"Hello?" Key called as he ran into the nurses office. He layed Taemin on the cot. "Nurse?" He called out again. No one answered. Key kneeled next to Taemin. " I'm going to have to fix you up myself." He whispared. He just nodded. Key grabed some tissues, cleaning the blood off his face. He put some band-aids the cuts. He checked th back of his head for any wounds. Luckly there were none, just a nasty bump. Once Key finished he sat next to the now sleeping boy. He wasn't sure if it was okay for him to sleep after hitting his head but decided he needed rest.

"Oh... can I help you?" The nurse asked waling in. Key lifted his head from his arms glancing over at her. "OMO!" she gasped. "What happened?" she rushed to Taemin."He was beaten up. I brought him here. You wern't here so I fixed him up. Th one that was hurting him is probably still knocked out behind the school. You might want to to go check on him." Key said in a hard tone. The nurse gave him a look before leaving.

"Umma?" Taemin mumbled. Key sat next to him again. "I'm here Tae." Key said quietly while running his fingers through Taemin's soft hair. Taemin liked the feel of  Key's touch. "Thanks you again." He said taking hold of Key's free hand. "Tae....." Key couldn't think of anything to say. His heart started beating faster, making him blush. 'Why are his hand's so warm?" Taemin thought. Key watched as Taemin smiled into his touch.

"Mr. Kibum." The principle said, "Can I please speak to you outside." Key hadn't even heard him come in. "Taemin sat up slowly. "Why?" He asked. "That is none of your buisness Mr. Lee. Now come kibum." He left. "I'll be right back." Key followed the principle out. Taemin layed back down. "I hope Key wont get in to much trouble.' He started singing songs in his head to distrace himself.

Key came back into the room with s pissed expression. "What happened?" Taemin was worried. Key sighed. "I'v been suspended for the next 2 days. Minho on the other hand only gets detention. Man my appas gona be pissed about this." He sat on the cot next to Taemin. "Let me talk to him Key. It's my fault that you got in trouble after all, so let m....." "NO!" Key yelled. "I mean no thank you Tae. I rather you not talk to my appa." Taemin was startled by Key's little out burst.

"If you say so." Taemin said softly. "Let's just get you home, kay?" Key said smiling again." Okay Umma."

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