chapter 3

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The school day without Key had started out terrible. Without Key there to protect Taemin every one had a chance to target him. Minho being the main one, but Jonghyun hadn't done a single thing to him today. Jonghyun wasn't as bad as Minho, but he had never be nice either.

Taemin sat in his desk quietly reading, waiting for the bell to ring to go home. He couldn't stop thinking how nice and caring Key was to him, and yesterday when he had helped him home. But something nagged at the back of his mind. Key had acted strange before he left.

                                                                                                              ~ FLASHBACK~

"This is were you live?!" Key gaped at the huge house. He pulled into the drive. "Yeah.." Taemin said sheepishly. Key helped Taemin up to his room still gawking at the house. Setting Taemin on his bed he sat next to him. "This house is huge!" He squiled. "Where's your dad I'll tell him your home." He started to get up. "He's not home." Taemin looked down. "He's out of town with work." Key could tell he was upset. "When does he get back?" Key asked. "Next month." He said quietly. "NEXT MONTH!" key yelled. "How could he leave you alone for a month!?" "Well...he's been gone for the last two months." They boy shyed away from Key's death glare. 'Key's scary when he get's like this.'

"Why is..."Key was cut off by his phone ringing. He looked at it, his eye's getting huge. "I'll be right back." He started out of the room. "Hello. Yes Appa I'm...." The door cut him off.  Key came back in a couple of minutes later. "I have to go. I'll try to stop by tomorrow." He gave Taemin a quick yet tight hug. Taemin couldn't even get out a good bye.

'Hey looked scared. Why?" He thought. "No. Key's not afraid of anything!" He said to himself.

                                                                                                               ~END FLASHBACK~

The bell rang bringing Taemin back to the preasent. Gathering his things heleft the room quickly, trying to avoid Minho. Jonghyun was down the hall jumping up and down surching through the tall crowd. He smiled when he spotted Taemin. 'Damn how is it they always find me?!' He turned back the othr direction.

"Where do you think you'r going?" Taemin froze. 'Wae! Wae! Wae!....Maybe I can still get away.' Taemin took off for the closest exit. "Wait!" Jonghyun called after him. Taemin kept running. Feet pounded on the pavment behind him. 'Just a little longer! Just a few more blocks!' The foot steps started slowing behind him. He glanced back. Jonghyun was slowing down.

Taemin turned the last corner, his house growing bigger as he got closer. He slamed to door behind him, locking it. "Why wont you leave me alone!" He yelled to the empty house. "Why! I never did anything to you. You'r the one's who hurt me!" Taemin banged his fist against the door. "You hurt me." He whispared softly.



Jonghyun stood on the other side of Taemins front door, with his hand raised and wide eye's. 'We ..hurt him? I didn't......I mean.....Me and Minho......I know what I did but....I never thought.....' It had never registered in his mind that he had 'HURT' Taemin.

His hand fell to his side. The door opened the slightest. Taemin peered out. "Why are you still here?!" He growled. Jonghyun jumped at the sound of Taemin's voice. He had never heard the boy talk in such a tone. It was scary. "I...I'm sorry Taemin. The boy's eye's widened. "What?" "Taemin I'm sorry. I'm so sorry about every thing I'v done to you. For hurtting you." He took a step foward making Taemin step back.

"Is this a joke!" "No it's not, I promise!" Taemin scoffed. "You think you can just say sorry and everything will be fine!" Taemin yelled. "You think you can you can just take everything you did back? You think you could take this back!" He lifted his shirt, reveling a scare running down hhis stomach. Jonghyun's mouth droped.

'We did that?.....I did that...." Taemin pulled his shirt back down.

"When?" Was all he managed. "Remember when i was out of school for a week last year?" Jonghyun nodded." I spent three days in the hospital and two days locked up in my room with fear. If it wasn't for Onew I wouldn't have gone back."  "Onew?" "Onew you'r ex-best friend. He's the one who found me after you and Minho...." He trailed off. Jonghyun hugged the boy tightly.

"Wha...Get off of me!" Taemin pushed the shorter boy to the ground. "Taemin.....I am sorry. For everything I'v done." tears had formed in Taemin's eye's. "You'r serious aren't you." Jonghyun nodded. "Why? Why now?" He whispared. "Because I feel the need to change. I hate how I act and what I do to people. I never realized what I did till now, something just hit me, telling me to change. You were the first person that came to my mind." He looked down. "The first person I needed to show change to, because you were the one that I hurt the most." Jonghyun felt arms wrap around him. Taemin was hugging him. He was shocked.

"I forgive you Jonghyun..... I don't trust you, but I forgive you." Taemin pulled back. "Thank you Taemin." He smiled.

"Yah! What's going on here?" Jonghyun jumped a Key's voice. "What's the dino doing here?" 'Oh no.. wait Dino?' "Umma!" Taemin jumped up, hugging the other boy. Key winced in pain. "He was apologizing." Key's eye's widened then narrowed. "What are you up to dino?" He steped towads Jonghyun. "Nothing really! I promise." Key studied him a minute before putting his pinky in his face. "Pinky promise." "What! What is that doing to prove?" Jonghyun laughed. "You break the promise I break your face." Key had a death glare on his face. Jonghyun slowly wrapped his pinky around key's.

"Why don't we go inside now? I'll make a snack!" Key suddenly became happy. Taemin smiled brightly. "Yay! You want to come to?" Taemin turned back to Jonghyun. He was shocked and delighted that Taemin had asked him. " Can't. I'm supposed to meet up with Minho." Taemin's smile faultered. "The dino and the frog. Ha! If you so called 'changing' then why do you still hang out with him?" Key narrowed his feline eye's again. "You don't know him. He's..... he's not always like that. Minho has his problems and I guess this is his way of dealing with them. Not that it's an excuse .....for me or for him." Jonghyun smiled sadly as he walked away.

'No....he's not really bad at all. If only others could see the Minho I do. Smart, funny, kind, caring, handsome, and would do anything for his friends and family. The minho I love....'






:3 TAEKEY <3

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