Trying to find Happiness

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Tomorrow is the Night of the Comet, everyone in the town was getting ready; there was decorations all over the town. On the buildings, on the lawns, houses, the school, and even the Lockwood mansion had a little spirit in it. The last I saw the mansion was 300 years ago and it was dull and boring looking, but now it looks dashingly beautiful.

We even got the Salvatore mansion decorated, Elena came and helped me get Damon and Stefan to help. It was lot of fun, I think Stefan and Elena suspect me and Damon of dating. I'm not so worried if they do know, either way I'm going to tell them tonight, Damon already knows that I will tell and is with me about 99% on it. He was a little wary about what Stefan will do but I told him not to worry.

It was sunset and we just got done decorating the house, me and Elena were sitting on the couch laughing at how Damon was trying to show off that he could get on the roof and put streamers all over. He ended up getting tangled and falling off, he landed on the bushes but god do I will he landed on the hard ground, it would of been more funny and then he would of grabbed me and kiss me.

"So, whats going on with you and Damon?" Elena asked.

"Nothing." I said, I didn't want to tell yet but I had a feeling she already knew.

"Come on Natasha, I know you guys have a thing, I've seen how he looks at you." she said.

"How does he look at me?" I asked overly curious.

"He looks at you like he has finally found what he has been looking for so despratly for hundreds of years." she said with a small smile, "And it makes me so happy to see him finally happy, he loves you."

I smiled, usually when someone told me that I wouldn't believe them, but when it comes ou tof Elena's mouth I have to believe it. Elena only speaks what she sees and he word is almost always right and her saying it is the closet I'll get to believing, might as well then.

"I don't know, yes he has told me he's loved me and I told him back, but there seems like there is going to be a problem in the future that might destroy what we have." I said. I felt like there was going to be a big gap between me and Damon in the near future.

Elena thought for a moment then said, "Katherine would be the problem, Natasha."

I was surprised and confused, "Why Katherine?"

"Because Katherine compelled Damon to love her a long time ago, and he still might have the effect, but Katherine did love both of them. She wanted the Salvatore brothers to be hers truly, so every time a women would even glance at Damon or Stefan, she would torture, then kill the women. She tried to kill me when she found out I was with Stefan, just before you were awakened." Elena explained.

"I can't believe Katherine would do that, she's....was kind, caring, and strong, fit to be a queen you could say, unlike me the trouble that was to be put to jail or death." I said with a smile as I remembered the townspeople chasing me with pitchforks and fire, in the end they were dead.

"Ha, Katherine caring and kind, that makes me laugh." Elena said, then looked at me with a apologetic look, "I am sorry, I know it was must be hard to here all these bad things about Katherine, I mean if it were Jeremy I would be devastated."

"Yeah, but I should have expected it, I had a feeling she would changed right when we were born and I first layed eye on her. I think she changed because of the transformation of a vampire, that can truly change your personality, you life, and your soul and soon no one would recognize sometimes." I said.

Elena nodded, "I can see that happening, but don't worry about it."

"I can not hear words of my about my sister being a killer and not worry Elena." I said sadly.

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