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I suddenly felt my blood cells rush back to work; my body growing less numb by the moment, my heart slowly beginning to pump once again. I felt cool chains against my skin around my arms and I felt......alive?

My eyes snapped open and I observed the area around me. I could barley see anything, I was in a tome I think.  I felt fresh blood on my mouth and I licked the remains of it on my lips. I heard sound of footsteps and I stiffed, ready to break free and attacked, but then stopped after I saw her face.

"Well, nice to see you again, sis." Katherine said with a smirk on her face, "I still have no idea why you locked your self in here and drank poison, but no matter you're back with your old twin."

I just stared at her in disbelief, I couldn't remember why I was in a tome or the reason why I was dead, "I.. don't... remember." I whispered, I felt shocked after I said those words, I haven't talk in so Long I almost forgot.

"I know, but you're memory will come back don't worry, now lets get you out of these chains." she said and grabbed ahold of the chains and pulled. The chains broke free. 

I looked down at my arms and the were marks from the chains but the healed right away now only small scars remained. I sat up and cracked my neck, it kind of hurt but then again I've been sleeping in a tome for almost 300 years.

"I feel... alive, how did you..." i couldn't finish my sentence, I thought once a vampire was killed they stayed dead but I am a gifted vampire.

Before I was a vampire I was part demon and part werewolf then I was changed. Katherine is really my sister, we have the same mom, but mom was very sick when she was pregnant with us. So father ask a dark witch to help, but they only way the witch could stop the death from reaching her she had to contact a demon. A very dark demon, one of the devil's assistants you could say. The demon promised that they wife and children would be alright but he had to put the blood of him in only one child and that child was me. How I got the werewolf gene was that my grandmother was a werewolf and it always skips a generation.

"Sis, lets just get you out of here we don't got time." She said and reached for me. I let her carry me, I didn't feel like walking, I couldn't feel my legs I would just fall.

Suddenly I felt the sun on my face, the warmth, I wanted it away from me ,it felt so.. new. But I've felt it before, 300 years ago. It blinded me every time I even tried to glance at it.

Katherine notice me struggling  and said, "Just hold for a minute, we'll get you in the car."

She opened a which must've been a car door and layed me down in the back so I was taking up the whole back seat. I looked at Katherine before she closed the car door, she was wearing black boots, with blue pants and a black shirt with a scarf. I looked down at me and I was wearing a old ripped dress, damn this dress was made from the finest silk and I got it all dirty and ripped.

When the machine started to move I groaned, my stomach was tightening. Katherine drove faster by the minute and soon every cloud I saw out the window was nothing but a blur, I was lye out across the seat so I only saw what was up.

 Suddenly the car stopped, not hard enough that I would fall off the seat, but hard enough to make my stomach almost come out of my mouth. Katherine opened up the door and grabbed me and then rushed inside a house with her speed. I looked around in the house and my mouth dropped.

"is this..?" I was shocked.

"Yup, welcome home Natasha." Katherine said with a smile. she help me on to my feet and I felt my legs, it was also a new feeling cause I haven't walked in 300 years either. But I still go the hang of it.

The house just like I remembered it, big with a spiral staircase, the living and dining area were a different but still familiar. I walked up stairs without even noticing that I was taking step by step up the stairs. I walked down the narrow hallway and I felt a flashback come into my mind.

I was peaking out of my bedroom door with Katherine at my side, we were like 15 years old. We were shaking because our parents were screaming at each other about how mother survived the birth of me and Katherine. That's when I found out that I was part demon and Katherine and I made a oath that we would stick by each other no matter what and forever.

I mind rushed back to the present and I found my way to my bedroom, I slowly opened the door and slowly walked inside. My bed was the old fashion black corset and it was a queen size, I missed it so much that once i saw i jumped onto it and rolled around on it.

A bright light flashed on my face and covered my eyes, "You have missed so much Natasha." Katherine said.

She walked towards me and sat on the bed besides me, "I want you to dig into my memories to know what this century is like, please." 

I was hesitant, sometimes when I do go into someones mind, they get hurt and I didn't' want to hurt Katherine. But I needed to know what happened, to me, to this world. I put my hands on her temples and pushed my mind into hers.

The first thing I saw was Katherine and I playing in the meadow when we were about 7 and big wild dog came running out of the woods. Katherine screamed at the size and the looked of it, but I just stood there, no fear flew through my body. The beast stood right in front of me, its eyes widen at how calm I was. Then another dog came running out this time it was headed for Katherine, she screamed again and I attacked the dog in front and the one going after her, furiously. The dogs ran away scared out of there minds. My sister was even scared at what I did and what I become.

Then another came, Mother and Father watched as Katherine and I left to Mystic Falls in the first place, Katherine was already turned into a vampire and we were the rumor and the Fear of the world. Like Jack the Ripper was except he tried to get ahold of me but that was a big mistake, I burned in a cemetary and no one ever found him.

Then the one I've been waiting for the day I was killed. There was a witch, she was the wife of the husband and child I killed a month ago, she was very angery, She cast a spell on me to kill my lover Micheal and my own child, Lilith. Even how mean I was I could never have killed them so I killed myself whiling crying in a tome where Micheal and Lilith would just think I left them instead of die for them and feel guilt until their death.

I was in a different memory now, I saw Katherine crying as she ran out of our old house, I walked in. I saw bodies all over, Mother and Father were dead on the bed, but I did not cry. Then, Katherine and Emily were at a house, must've been in the 18th century some time, then two boys came out and saw her and swarmed over her with awe. The Salvator brothers.

After that other memories of the world changing and the people changing came. I pulled out of her mind.

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