The Crack in the Code

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I dropped the papers and dialed Stefan's number. It rang three times before her picked up.

"Hello?" Stefan said.

"Stefan, are you going to be home soon?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah, I'm just turning onto Elena's house, what's wrong." He asked a bit worried.

"You were right Katherine had a sister but the shocker is Katherine had a child!" I said a little loud.

"What, I mean I've thought about her having a child but I mean never considered it." Stefan said, I could hear Elena ask what was going on in the background.

"This is big news, big, it explains how Elena looks like her." I said, "Katherine's sister had a child too, and I've read every entry in Katherine's diary in that book you gave me and in everyone, there is something about Natasha, her sister." I sighed, "So I hate to say this but you were right."

"Now that's news, " he said with a smirk in his voice, "I'll be over there in a bit okay, I'm dropping off Elena now, so don't go anywhere." he hung up.

I wasn't going to wait around for Stefan to come to the rescue, I am going to go to their house and figure this out self, but then I remembered, there were two pages ripped out and I only looked at one. I picked up both pages, I sat the one on the Pierce book and turned the page I haven't seen over. There was a girl drew on the page, she was pretty and for some reason familiar. Then suddenly I remembered, Katherine said I've already seen the person that she's keeping a secert for. The girl from my dream was on the paper and the girl on the paper and my dream was Natasha.

Gosh, sometimes I amaze myself how I always figure stuff out so fast and now I guess I should wait for Stefan, even though it killed me to wait impatiently, I knew I couldn't go into that house without help. The sun was setting, lets hope Katherine doesn't mind a little nightly visit.


"What's wrong?" Elena asked with her puzzled look.

"Nothing you need to worry about." I said smoothly. She didn't believe me so I came up with something she would believe in, "It's just Damon, he's out of blood and he's going nuts, and you know how Damon so I got to go pick up some blood at the blood bank or he'll go crazy but the next hour."

She seemed to believe it, "Okay, but you know if there is anything you need to tell me or even talk to me about you will tell me, promise." I stopped on the side of her house.

I thought about, if I promised I would be lieing and if I told her she would freak, "Yes I would." She smiled and leaned over across the seat and kissed me. Her lips were silk soft and had a candy taste. I was about to go futher but she pulled away.

"See you in awhile." she said. and brushed her long daark brown hair out of her face and opened and shut the door. I watched her walk all up down the side walk, up the steps and into her house before driving crazyly away.

I must've been speeding, it like I was speeding but I didn't care I needed to get home to figure out what was going on. How can Katherine have a baby and how can she have a sister ,who was born a demon, that survived from Klaus. Maybe liked Damon said Natasha, Katherine's sister, died before Klaus got ahold of her.

There were so many things running through my head, I was getting a headache. I was so confused, everyting that Katherine taught me and told me, everything changes. Mostly everything that she has told and showed us and made us believe was a lie. I don't know if I can give her anymore mercy.

But all that was in the back of my mind, there was a more curious more impaitent question in the front that I just needed answered. Who is the father of Katherine's child?

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