A Interesting Fact

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 I felt sweat run down my face as I jumped awake from my crazy dream. I sat up and turned on my lamp; I groaned and wiped off the sweat. I was panting, why was I panting? I leaned against my bed frame and pulled off half of the covers and showed bare skin. I sighed, the dream had Katherine in it and another girl which did look a little like Katherine but more breathtaking. She and Katherine were running away from something, they were both wearing dresses from which looked like from a masquerade ball. But they were afraid, what was Katherine so afraid about she never was afraid. A dark figure was right behind them, I didn't know what. But right at the end I saw myself getting stabbed and bleeding, and that's when I awoke.

 I stood up, put on pants, and walk to my mini fridge that  had by my bathroom. I grabbed a bag of O+ and chugged it. I threw the empty bag away and was about to grab another one but then I heard something or someone moving in the dark corner of my room. I smiled because I recognized that smell, a sweet and strong candy smell. I turned around and sprinted to the corner in a blink of a eye and grabbed the intruder by the throat.

I pushed out my fangs and grazed them against the soft skin threatening to tear out the vein on the other side, "Katherine, what are you doing here?" I asked but didn't move I held my ground.

She chuckled and said, "Hi Damon, so hows was the dream." she continued to chuckle.

"I had a feeling that that whole thing was you, but really me being stabbed and then you had to add all my guts on the floor, that's a bit extreme even for you." I said and tightened my hold, "So what are you doing here."

"The reason why I did that was that I knew it would wake you, what else was in your dream cause I have a feeling that you dead wasn't the only thing." she said with a smile.

"Hm, there was you and another girl running but why does that matter and do you know the girl." Damon said.

"Oh I know the other girl, actually I know her very well and that's for me to know and you to find out." she said and grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back and soon she had me pinned against the wall.

"Why are you here?" I said. I was getting tired of these games.

"Oh I just wanted to give you a scare, you know how amusing it is to me." she said with a smile.

"Oh yes, you would, so what was the meaning of the beginning part of that little dream." I asked.

She stiffed and then finally said, "Actually it was an accident to show you that, I was thinking of memories at the time and it just popped into your mind by accident, so I 'm not telling you that."

"Why not?" I asked. Really curious why would Katherine be keeping a secert.

"No comment." She said and then let me go with a push.

I laughed and turned to face her, "Katherine Pierce is keeping a secert, know tell me, when was the last time that happen?"

"1698." she said and went digging into my fridge and I let her, I didn't want to start a fight over bags of blood.

"For who?" I asked, getting overly curious. She didn't answer me, so after a moment I said, "For who Katherine?" I said it as a demand in a strong voice. Because I knew when Katherine kept secerts, they weren't good ones and it was either she was forced to keep it or loved something so much that she kept it and I feel more like she was forced.

She poured the bag of blood in a glass and walked towards the balcony and turned around to face me, "Thats for me to know and you to find out Damon and for a hint, you have already see the person." then she vanished.

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