Chapter 21: "Help Us!!!"

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Chapter 21

::"Help Us!!!"::


        §_Pea POV_§

     I smiled as my baby was put into my arms. A tear slipped out of my eye socket, and it splattered in her, my sweet baby, tiny baby skull. I quietly laughed, and I kissed her forehead. I looked up to see PJ smiling down on our baby and then he looked at me. I looked down to see my baby eyes sockets were closed and she seemed to act...funny?

        Then suddenly one of the nurses rush over to us, and I didn't seem to notice PJ panicking. "I'm sorry miss, but we need to check on your baby very quick" then she grabbed my baby with a little bit of force. I could of pulled back and tryed to keep my baby, but my arms are too weak. I felt something was torn in my heart.

         At the entrance door, two doctors came in and told us to stay put and be calm. PJ being the man, wanted to see what's wrong with our baby girl. One of the doctors tryed to stop PJ, and things just went aggressive. Soon PJ got mad not knowing what was wrong with our baby girl and he pushed the doctor away.

         The docter pulled him back, well tryed to, but PJ pushed him off hard and the docter fell back to its butt on the hard floor. The other docter who was besides me who was checking something on me, shouted at PJ to come back. 'Pfft, like that will ever work.' I thought. I was still confused on what's happening, probably because of the baby I just gave birth too and they have to do something important quick? Something like that....I think?

          I shooked my head and calm down. The docter who was besides me went to the docter who was in the floor and gave him a hand. The docter who was in the floor let him help him and pulled him up. I looked at them, "Aren't you gonna stop my boyfriend?" I ask. Both of the docters looked at me with their eyes widen and asked me in synic, "Your not married yet?"

          I gave them a death glare because they didn't answer my damn question. One of the docters cleared their throat and said, "Well, that will be too late, right about now, he should be with its baby and most likely ask one of the nurses on whats wrong with your baby." I nodded and looked at my ecto stomach, which was smaller than before. Yes, it was quite nessersary to create a ecto stomach in order to create a baby, its the old fasion style for skeletons.

          I didn't ask one of the docters whats wrong with my baby, because I was determind everything is alright. I closed my eyes and rested. I jumped at the distant scream I heard. I open my eye sockets and looked around, but I was alone and the docters seemed to of left when I had my eye socket closed. I frown and went back to rest. I sigh and didn't feel comfortable and I thought about my future.

       'Will all monsters and humans be extinct?'

        'How will our baby survive when shes old enough and I and PJ will pass on?'

         I let out a tear and regretted the day when I did 'it' with PJ, and now our baby, that we created, is in a world full of danger, chaos...

         The door slammed open and I quickly wiped away my tears and and saw PJ holding something in his arms. I smiled and he showed me and a adorable baby skeleton, which was ours. I laughed and PJ gave me our baby and I hold it in my arms. The baby skeletons eyes were open, and it had the most beutiful eyes I ever seen. Then it started to glow bright green, and it seemed in was day dreaming. I frown, 'Is that what happens when she's daydreaming? How cool, our baby is special.

               Soon enough, the nurses and docter let me leave tomorrow and I got change into my clothes. I slided in my black t-shirt, I put on my black ripped shorts, and finally I put on my white, slightly dirty, sweater. I open the curtain and saw my family and my boyfriend who was holding our baby. Toriel, alter tori, Blueberry, sans, Dancetale Undyen, Mettaton, Dream, WaterMelon sans, US Papyrus, and a black creature who was hiding in the darkess in the corner to the right.

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