Chapter 18: The Ackward Dance

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Chapter 18

::The Ackward Dance::


         §~{Ink POV}~§

       Error grin knowing I got myself a sticky situation. I felt a sweat drop on the side of my head, 'Can skeletons even sweat? Da bloody hell?' I thought. I went back to focus on saving the girl. "So Ink, what are you gonna do now?" Error said lowering his voice, "If you strike, I will simply cut her neck open."

        I gritted my teeth and angered my eyes. I was shivering of fear, but I had to stop Error. I raised my shoulders, "Not unless I do-" I stopped my sentence and dropped my paint brush and a little river of paint was form. I was doing a really weird Hawaii dance, I could sense Error deep confusion. "

          "What the bloddy hell are you doing?" Error said with a cracking voice.

             I snickered, 'Almost there.' As you may not know, the river of paint on the floor was transform into a snake. Error didn't notice it, he was too focus on me doing a noticeable weird dance. The purple-pinkish snake slithered around me and went to the girl and the closer it went to her neck, the thiner it got. When it was getting thiner, its paint slime was staining the girl clothes.

            Error got impatient, as was I was getting tired. "Stop! If you do not, I will cutt her neck open!" I ignore him, probably a bad idea. A black aura formed around Error, he was gettting scarier every second. 'Ha! You don't scare me! Except the fact me not stopping you before you kill the girl.' I thought. Error release a quarter of his anger, "What. Are. You. DOING!?!?!"

          I smiled sweetly at him, "Distracting you, mother fucker!" Error eyes widen as he felt his strings snapped. All at once, I pushed the girl to my side with my magic and crouched down to get my paint and swing it at Error. Error was slammed to the left wall and blue paint was all over him, he was stuck on the wall like glue. He has 50/80 HP.

        Error opened his eyes and he softed his face. "N-No, give her back." That took me back in surprise. "What?"I asked and frowned. Error shut his eyes closed and I could see him shaking, just barely seeing him. 'Its too dark.' I thought and raised my left hand and use my magic to turn on the lights. The light blinded my for a moment and I adjust my eyes to the brightness.

        I looked at Error, and I thought I was dreaming. Error was crying, his cheeks are blue, he was blsuhing. "I-I'm S-S-Sory, ok!? I've l-lost c-c-control o-of myself." I felt a burning sensation in my chest/ribs and felt sorry for him. I sigh, "If you really didn't want to hurt this girl, you will put all your power to not hurt her." I said sternly.

        I turned back and crouched down at the girl level. "Hey, come with me and I will take you to a better place.".The girl looked up, and I lost my breath. [Lol, instead of me typing breath, I accidentally typed breast. Read that sentence again but read breast.]  Her eyes, their were completely black. The girl stood up, I stood up as well. 'Did Ink do that?' I thought. I shook the thought off and told the girl to follow me.

        I walked out of the room and notice the girl wasn't following. "Hey what's the matter?" I asked her. The girl looked at me with a motionless look. "I'm sorry, but I must stay." My eyes widen in shock. "W-What? He was choking you. You do know that, right?" The girl nodded, "Please, let me explain." I hesitant but walked back in, and her speak.

       §°|Jess POV|°§

      I was sitting next to Ania in the now annoying white void."Aaaaannnnniiiaaa!" I moaned in frustration, "We've been her for like an hour!" Ania groan and slapped my head in the back. "You dumb head, its been 7 minutes and 25 seconds!" I looked at her with a confused face, "You've been counting?" I asked.

          Ania sigh, "Sadly, yes, and I have lost count cause you inturpt me." I slightly giggled, "Oh! I'm so, sooo sorry that I made you lost count, my sweet Ania." I sarcastically said with dramatic glittery eyes. Ania lay back on her back to the ground. I followed he instinct and I layed down next to her and our nead touched. Few seconds passed, we both said in sync, "We're stuck her forever."

Sorry to cutt this short, but I'm watching a movie called Princess Dairies part 2 with my beloved mother.

I gotta go, PEACE!

OH and before I go, Does anybody ever day dream of having sex with PJ? Or Edge Fresh?

I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable.

I drew myslef! This drawing only took my three hours to do

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I drew myslef! This drawing only took my three hours to do. I'm not even finish with it, I still shading and fixing some lines. Hehe, once I'm finish, I'll gladly show to you meh lovely readers.



-Novia Creator, Out!


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