Death & Magic chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Behind Adramal, several people gasped and began to whisper. Lorgrim gave them a sharp look, and they fell silent.

Adramal licked her lips. “I’ll be there, Master.”

As Lorgrim turned and left, the apprentices bombarded Adramal with questions — “What did you do?” “Is it to do with your barefoot healing?” “Did you steal a book?” “Or a plant?” “Is it to do with Perinar?”

Adramal stared at them, afraid they would mob her and pull her to the ground.

One of the youngest apprentices asked, “Are you pregnant?”

Her nerve broke. She sprinted from the refectory, swerving just in time to avoid flattening Lorgrim. She was dimly aware of climbing upwards, and then her hands touched something cold and hard.

Stop, said Lelsarin. This isn’t what you want.

Adramal fought for control of her breathing, and looked around. She’d come to the top of the outer wall and was standing before one of the embrasures, her hands on the stone. Surely she hadn’t been about to throw herself into the moat?

That’s what it looked like, said Lelsarin. It’s not going to benefit anyone, is it?

Shaking, she descended the stairs.

“Adramal!” Perinar ran towards her. He slowed as he approached, but still knocked the wind out of her when he embraced her. “Are you all right?” he panted.

She screwed her eyes shut to hold in the tears as he rocked her back and forth. Eventually, she felt safe enough to let go of him. “What do I do? What should I say to the Council?”

He shook his head. “I’ve never had to face a hearing like that.”

They wandered around the outer ward, holding hands and kissing gently, until the bell rang for second lesson. Adramal went to Komarth’s class, where she sat, too churned up to listen to anything he said.

Her next scheduled lesson was with Degoran, so she had it free. She went to the Great Hall, to be sure she wouldn’t be late for the hearing. Three chairs stood behind the large table. That probably meant someone had taken Degoran’s place on the Council. Only when she looked around the room did she realise that this time, there was nowhere for her to sit.

Adramal paced up and down, her fists clenching and unclenching. Footsteps outside made her turn. Eskalyn entered, followed closely by Shendar, with Lorgrim trailing. They wore their tall white hats, which Adramal had not seen since the day of her examination.

The teachers sat down. Adramal stood straight, her hands behind her back. Eskalyn and Shendar looked at her intently, while Lorgrim seemed bored already.

Eskalyn leaned forward, elbows on the table, his fingers interlinked. “Apprentice Adramal. Do you know why you’re here?”

Adramal started to speak, but her throat had gone dry. “Master Lorgrim said this was a hearing about my having broken some of the rules of Kyturil.” Her voice cracked.

Eskalyn nodded. “Do you know which rules you’re alleged to have broken?”

“No, Master,” she said.

“There are two charges,” said Eskalyn. “The first is that on Angaris’ Day, you went outside the outer wall without permission.”

That was when Tagahra had come to Kyturil. She tried not let her hopes rise. Maybe this wasn’t about Degoran and his tower after all.

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