Foster bother chapter 14- stay the night

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Today is the day that my daughter gets laid to rest, I'm sure there will be plenty of dirty looks comin my way but I truly don't give a fuck. Toni don't want me there but that isn't her call, I have every right to be at my daughter's funeral. The events from the hospital kept playing over in my head, I really don't feel bad for putting my hands on her. As far as I'm concerned she deserved it, she's bein hella spiteful but she has no idea what she has done. I checked my phone and I saw that I had a text from Aaron, he's outside waitin for me. I can really say Aaron is the only family I have left now; I'll be dammed if I let Toni take my son away from me. I grabbed my present for Callie and my wallet and I made my way outside to Aaron's car. When I got in we did our hand shake and the ride started off silent. I really don't have too much to talk about, I'm about to sit through my daughters funeral and most likely get plenty of evil looks for Toni and her family.

"Aug, you know I got you my brother. I'm not letting you deal with this on your own man, you are my brother and imma always be loyal. Not to be on any gay shit but you aren't the same Aug man, you've lost your glow and you aren't happy anymore. I know you to well, you've been putting up this wall like you're ok and I know you aren't."

Of course I aint happy nigga, my daughter is dead, I'm probably never gonna see my son again and the one female who I thought was down for me has went crawling back home. So no man, I'm not happy, but cryin about it and bein depressed isn't about to change anything"

"I know that, but you were much happier when you were with Toni, granted you never hit her until a few days ago, do you still love her?"

"Of course I do, but for now she can go fuck herself, I don't feel bad for chokin her ass, it actually felt pretty nice"

"Well dang man, that got dark very quickly. I say after all of this is over that yall need to sit down and talk, she's just upset. You are a darn good dad and she's not going to keep the little man away from you."

"I hope you're right because I don't have that much faith in her"



Last night was rough, Anthony would not go to sleep, and he didn't pass out until 2:00 this morning. That really sucked because I barely got any sleep, we had to be up at 8o'clock this, he cried and he cried all night. I truly believe he knows that his sister isn't coming back to him, he has also been fussy all morning, I tried to get him dressed and it wasn't working. I'm just so frustrated, I had to have my mom take him before I lost myself. Everyone is tip toeing around me today, I just want this day to go smoothly.

"You know Toni, I hope you're ready to face August today. He has been trying to be there for you but you aren't giving him a chance, I hope you see how childish you are being. It's not his fault that Callie died, you know that Aug would have taken that bullet. I hope today gives you a reality check because you really need one"

"Tay, you have no idea what's going on with my situation. You hated the idea of August and I together in the first place, you rubbed it in my face when I got pregnant. Now you want to sit here and act like you really think August is a good man? Miss me with the BS kid, I should have listened to dad and Janet, August is a bum and I hate that he's ruined my life"

"Toni, he hasn't ruined anything. You know you were not happy with Keri, it was a fake happy, and August defended you when Keri beat your ass. Yes, I had my doubts and I didn't like him but once we really knew him perspective changed, I'm not old like you guys but I'm also not stupid. You knew he was selling drugs and you chose to stay. I'm sure he have you a chance to leave but you didn't, he used that money to get a place when dad kicked you guys out. Yeah it was dumb to get caught up with drugs but you were living off the benefits and I never once heard you say anything bad about it. It is unfortunate that my baby niece had to have her life cut short, but you know that this wasn't intentional Toni. We all make mistakes and it you try and keep Ant away from August I know he will hate you forever, anyway; the car is outside so let's get this over with."

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