Foster brother chapter 13- Finally back home

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I can't remember the last time I've cried so much, all of this seems like a bad dream. I wish I could wake up and it would all be over, this will never end. My daughter is dead and it's all thanks to August, I have never felt this type of hatred toward someone. He is also the last person I ever thought I could hate. When the doctor told me that Callie had died all I could do was cry, I didn't want to even look at August so I tore away from him. My parents had taken me back home, I wanted to go see my kids but I couldn't. Instead of it being a happy time I have to plan a barrel for my infant daughter. August tried telling me he was sorry but I didn't want to hear it, I don't want anything to do with him anymore. August is the last person that I want to see, nobody came to wake me up this morning, after last nights events it just felt so good to sleep in what little sleep I did get and that wasn't much. I checked my phone and I had 3 texts from Janet just asking me if I was ok, then I saw that I had 20 missed calls from August. I just want to shut everything out, if I can forget about August my life can finally get back to normal. I got up and I took a shower, it felt good to clear my mind. When I went downstairs for breakfast nobody said anything to me. That didn't matter to me because I didn't want to talk to anyone

"How are you feeling?" Tamar asked me

"I feel like my child just died, anymore stupid question?" I asked her as I drank my juice

"No need to be a bitch, I was just asking you a question" She said

"Well this bitch watched her child get murdered, so next time think before you open your mouth"

"That's enough you two" heard my dad say

I didn't say anything else for the rest of breakfast, I just want to grieve and get lost in my thought. This is too much to handle on my own, lucky for me I have a family that can support me.

"Mom and dad I want you two to help me plan Callie's funeral. If it's ok with the two of you I want her service to be at the church. I want to go and pick out her casket today and I want this done on Friday. It's Monday now so we have plenty of time."

"Baby, don't you think August should have a part in this?" my mom asked

"Mom, if I had it my way August would be gone forever. He's the cause for all of this, he doesn't deserve to have anything to do with this. He didn't care enough to save her, all he cares about is himself and selling drugs."

I ran upstairs because I was about to start the water works, I've never felt this type of pain, I never knew anyone could feel this pain. I didn't want to think about August, all I want to do is get my baby the proper home going she deserves. I looked over at my phone and I had 10 missed calls from August, he had left me voicemails but I don't want to see him right now. He better be strapping because I will kill him myself, he knows that he's messed us up for good. I tossed my phone on the bed and then it went off, I saw that it was Janet and I answered it.

"Janet, I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone, please understand that" I said getting annoyed

"I'm in your house, I'm actually in your hallway. So let me in your room, you need me right now"

I hung up the phone and I tossed it on the bed. I unlocked the door and Janet walked in. I sat done on my bed and I just started crying, Janet sat down beside me and she pulled me into a hug. She didn't say anything, all she did was rub my back. I wasn't just crying for myself, I was crying for my little daughter. She didn't do anything to deserve this, she just got caught in the cross fore because her dad is a no good bum.

"J...Janet, I should have listened to you, I should have listened to my dad. Y...You guys told me August was no good, I don't understand why he would do this. I really thought he loved me, he's the reason my daughter is dead. I hate him Janet, I don't want anything to do with him. I should have just stayed with Keri."

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