Foster Brother Chapter 11- The single text

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I woke up the next morning completely drained, the events of last night played over repeatedly. I was now the mother of two small children, it all felt like a dream. I had a feeling that If I snapped my fingers all of this would be gone, no august and no twins. I looked over toward the window and August was asleep on the chair, he looked so adorable and I can tell he is drained as well. I looked over and I saw two bassinets, one held my son and the other one held my daughter. They looked like little angles; they both have my skin tone. Anthony has eyes like August and so does Callie. I wanted to hold them but I knew they would start crying the minute I held them. I was about to wake up August, then one of the babies started to cry, I instantly felt terrified. I hit the call button and a nurse showed up. Just then, August sprang up from the chair and he walked over to the crying baby, the nurse made him wash his hands before he touched them. He came back, he picked up Callie, and he looked so natural with her. My nurse told him how to cradle her and she had finally calmed down. She explained that they will need to be put on a schedule, as she kept talking Callie started crying again. This time she was hungry, the nurse took her from August and she tried handing her to me but I would not take her.

"Sweetheart, there is no need to be scared. I will show you the right way to breast-feed her you will be fine. Babies can sense when you're scared and she'll be just as scared," the nurse explained

"I don't wanna mess it up, this is another person I'm responsible for" I said

"You'll be fine my dear, you have a wonderful family and a great boyfriend from what I've seen"

"Thank you nurse Jackie"

She handed me Callie and when I took, her, my heart grew so big. She is a mix between August and I. Nurse Jackie told me how to position her on me, and it took Callie a while to latch on. When she did she stared going to town, she looked so comfortable and at piece. Nurse Jackie left and she said I needed to do the same with Anthony, August came back into the room and he started laughing.

"That looks weird, but cute at the same time," He said

"It feels weird but she loves it. I still can't believe they are finally here Aug, Callie was a surprise but I'm so glad they got here"

"I am too; I'm so blessed to have yall. I love you so much Toni it aint even funny, I think I'm gonna run home and shower then come back"

"That's fine, but Aug do you really think we can do this. I know we have the summer but what about when school starts. It will be our senior year and we will have two old most one year olds," I said

"We gonna worry about that when the time comes, right now let's just enjoy our kids. She looks like you, that means I'm gonna need a gun"

"Babe, no gun will be needed. She can't help it if she's cute like her mama; I mean I managed to get you so I'm doing something right"

August kissed my forehead and I looked down to find Callie looking at us. She looked like she was done so I burped her and August took her from me. He looked so natural with her; I have never seen him this happy. Soon after Anthony started crying so now he is awake, he was closer to me so it was easy for me to reach him. He kept crying but once he was comfortable with me, he settled down. I kissed his forehead and he opened his eyes. I love having this feeling, me holding my son. Watching August hold our daughter, I felt myself, starting to tear up, I have never been this happy before.



Yesterday was my 18th birthday; my lovely girlfriend took me out for the whole day. I have been trying to get over Toni; she had the babies yesterday as well. I have not been to see her yet, I really do not want to. I still love her but it is not fair to Shawna, she wants to see them so she is going to go to the hospital and I am going to stay home.

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