Foster Brother chapter 10- Tell the truth and welcome home.

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"I can't come out tonight; you just have to let someone else do the drop. I gave you your half of the money. Manny aint cappin my ass cuz you don't know how to cut the product, you better find the other half of his money"

I walked into the living room and I heard August on the phone, he was trying to talk low but I could hear every word he was saying. When he hung up, I walked in the room because I need to know what's going on.

"Was that one of your little side hoes?" I asked

"Why you up so early and no, I don't have any sides. This jealous thing is gettin really old Toni, I'm sick of it"

"I'm not up early, we have school at 8. August, this lying game is getting old and I'm sick of it. All these late night early morning phone calls. You are always out somewhere doing god knows who, if you don't wanna be with me anymore just say it. Me and the baby will be just fine; we can go back to my parents." I said on the verge of tears

"You need to calm down babe. I've told you over and over I'm not cheatin; you are the girl I wanna be with. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me"

"You are hiding something August, you aren't cheating then what are you doing?" I asked

"I'm trying to take care of my family. I've been selling drugs mostly weed for the last 5 months. I'm almost at my money goal for us; I have one more drop, which is tonight. Then I'm done with the game. Everything I've bought for us is with the money I've been gettin. The baby's room is the main one we spent the most on. I know its poor taste but that's the only way I'd have enough money, its ok if you wanna dip Tone. I understand I just wanna take care of you and our son. I wanna give him the things I never had. I'm sorry that I've been lyin; I just wanna treat you how you need to be treated. I messed us up and now I have to fix it, I took advantage of a good thing."

I was in complete shock, I don't know if I should be happy or beat his ass. Yes, it's been weird with all this extra money coming up, I feel so stupid for not putting the signs together.

"August, you've really been selling drugs. Out of all the things you could have been doing to make LEGAL money, you decide to pick drugs. What if you would have been arrested, you couldn't be here for me and the baby. I knew people said you were dumb but I really didn't think you'd go this far. I should have known, Janet was right about you August."

"You turnin this on me, I am the only one workin; I made all this shit happen, the apartment, the baby stuff. I DID it Toni, yes, I have a legal job too; I needed the extra money for us. I'd think you would be supportive and grateful. I guess I was wrong, like I said I'm not makin you stay. If you wanna go back to mom and dad then that is all on you Tone, I'm trying to make us a family. Like I said if this drop goes good tonight, I'll have all the money we need until summertime. It's scary but you have to trust me, if you really love me like you say then you'll stay."

"Aug, I need time. I can't stress myself over you being so stupid. Maybe Janet was right about you, maybe this was a mistake"

"What the fuck you mean this was a mistake? It wasn't a mistake when you climbed into my bed that night. Don't front now babe, you know the real August. Janet don't know shit about me, all she wants to do is get in your pants. She'll say anything to get me away from you, she hates me because I got ya heart. "

"If that's the case you can head to school alone, I don't think it's a good idea for me to be around you right now" I said as I could feel my tears forming

"Tone, you really gonna be mad at me. Yo ass should be thankin me, its ok tho ma. I know you aint goin anywhere, you stuck with me. I'll see you at school, you can tell Janet to come and pick you up, she gonna love that one. I know you gonna tell her everything; you need to stop doin that shit. I aint yo daddy tho so I can't stop you"

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