The Sorting

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Hello Sevy fans! ^^ sorry I haven't updated in awhile but its Christmas eve! again I don't own harry potter or the characters J.K. Rowling made. I just own Saffira! I hope you like this chapter! So nobody gets confused this chapter will be set in The Order Of the Phoenix.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sissy, Draco, and I apperated onto the platform and you will never guess who I landed on... Harry fucking Potter! I got up with a groan and dusted myself off. I offered my hand to him and helped him up. he looked up at me shyly. "Thank you" He then looked at me and blushed. I felt the vial rise in my throat but remembered I had to play nice with this disgusting boy. "I'm alright. I should have watched where I was apperating. My name is Saffira R-Malfoy, Saffira Malfoy and you are?" He looked shocked. "you don't know who I am?" I thought to myself. *of course I know who you are you filthy half-blood!* but instead I said "Should I?" He beamed at me with a sickly sweet smile. "I'm Harry potter. its nice to meet you Saffira!" The whistle rang out signaling that the train was about to leave. I lost sight of Draco when we first arrived but followed harry to a compartment that had a ginger boy and a girl that could pass off as a night troll. me and harry sat beside each other on the opposite seat to the two. The ginger boy looked at me and blushed crimson as the night troll girl looked at me with envy. Harry was the first to speak. "hello guys! This is Saffira Malfoy. Saffira these are my best friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasly." The ginger boy, I now know as Ron gave me a disgusted look. "MALFOY! AS IN RELATED TO THAT BLOODY GIT, DRACO MALFOY!?" I gave him a look that shut him up. "Yes Draco is my cousin but we don't get along. I suppose that its because his parents worked for Voldemort."  Everyone in the compartment gasped except for harry. "what? I'm not afraid to say his name." Harry beamed again. "I agree. So you believe that voldemort is back?" "of course I do. its kind of hard not to when he makes frequent visits to the manor." Harry just nodded and started to talk to his friends about there summer. I used my wand to change my clothes into Hogwarts robes. we finally arrived. I followed a big man to the boats with first years and after what seemed like forever we made it to the castle and waited to go into the Great Hall. A tall, stricken, old lady in emerald robes, walked us into the hall. The sorting hat did its annoying song that draco told me about and then my name was called to be sorted. I sat on the stool and the old lady put the hat on me. It started to talk to me inside my head. *Ah! Another Riddle! You have your fathers cunning, ambitious mind but you have a strong sense of bravery and courage... but where to put you...* I kept chanting not Gryffindor. The hat called out. "better be... SLYTHERIN!!" I sighed in relief but faked a sad look towards the Gryffindor table. I got up and sat at the end of the Slytherin table closes to the teachers table. After the sorting hat, an ancient looking man in midnight blue robes gave a speech about this year and a toad  like women talked about how the ministry was interfering with Hogwarts this year and ect. I looked up at the teachers table only to look into the very sexy onyx eyes of Severus Snape. I gaped at him as he just smirked and made a discreet wave at me. I felt my anger flare but calmed myself down and started to eat a treacle tart. Once dinner was over I followed the rest of slytherin house to the dormitories but was stopped by the head of my house who was also Severus fucking Snape! I wanted to scream at him to leave me alone but I held my tongue. Snape smirked at me and beckoned me to follow him. I followed him to a classroom that I'm guessing was his. I walked in first and stood in the middle of the class room looking forward as he slammed the door shut but what made me jump was that he locked it shut. I turned around only to be picked up and placed on top of a desk. He claimed my lips with his before I could say anything. He started to run his hands up my thighs and I let out a throaty moan but quickly came to my senses and pushed him off of me. "What the bloody hell Snape!? First you make love to me, then insult me, then want back in my pants again! Well I have news for you! That's not going to happen!" He stood up and curled his lip up at me with disgust but then smirked. "I expected a whore like you would be use to it by now." I have been called a whore before but for some reason when he said it, it felt like a knife slicing my heart. I looked at him with a mixture of hurt, anger, and haltered. I didn't realize but black smoke was wafting off of me. Snape looked amused for a minute but slowly started to get concerned when I spoke in a beautiful yet very scary voice filled with haltered and malice. "You listen now Severus Topaz Snape. You will learn to respect those that are more powerful than you or else you will be killed for your ignorance toward me. Do you understand?" At this point Severus drawled his wand and was aiming at me. With a flick of my wrist it flew out of his hand and into mine. I set it beside me without taking my eyes off of him. He spoke with a calm, loving voice. "Saffira I am sorry about treating you in the way I had been. Please calm down." I don't know if it was the way he was speaking to me or the sincerity in his eyes but the black smoke went away and my voice returned to normal. I suddenly felt weak and started to fall to the floor but Severus caught me before my head hit the floor. I realized the locket was burning only to have it cool when I touched it. I looked up at Severus as a tear rolled down my cheek. He stroked my cheek and carried me to a room that I expected was his bedroom. He laid me on the bed and transfigured my robes into PJ's. After that he crawled into the bed too and held me close to him from behind. I mumbled a goodnight to him before sleep claimed me.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Well that was an exciting chapter! I hope you liked it and again im sorry I haven't updated in awhile but think of this chapter as my present to you. Remember Add, Comment, Vote! I love you all and Happy Holidays!

~Mrs. Snape         

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