Chapter 12

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"We're in Beacon Academy Airspace, sir" a monotone voice called, causing the sole occupant of the Bullhead to stir, rubbing the drowsiness out of his eyes as he stood and stretched his arms and legs experimentally, then surging his aura through the limbs to remove the residual stiffness in them. He strode lazily to the Bullhead's door, waiting impatiently for it to open.

"How long till we land?" The man's slightly slurred voice called out from the passenger compartment, sure that the pilot had heard him over the engine's soft roar.

"About two minutes, sir!" The nameless pilot called out from the cockpit, maybe he should put more effort into learning his pilot's names, then again, this one wasn't female, nor attractive, so he decided he'd let it slide this time.

He'd learn the next female pilot's name for sure.

He stood impatiently by the door, tapping his foot to a tune only he could hear until he felt more than heard the soft thud of the VTOL's landing skids on the pavement of Beacon Academy's landing zone, which was followed not soon after by a soft hiss as the door's hydraulics activated, letting in the harsh sunlight causing the man to cover his eyes as he stepped out of the Bullhead, intent on visiting Professor Ozpin as quickly as possible.

He waved noncommittally back to the Bullhead pilot as he strode purposefully, if a little clumsily, towards the clock tower of the school where Ozpin liked to look over his campus, watching his students go about their days.

It took a few minutes of ducking and weaving around people, and in once case scaring away some grey haired kid before he reached his destination and stepped onto the elevator that would take him where he wanted to go. "Headmaster's office" he said as he walked to the side of the lift and leaned his head and back against it.

"Please swipe your scroll over the interface for verification" the robotic feminine voice rung out, he did so lazily, waving the slightly battered scroll over the holographic panel. "Scroll number 212015 identified, team designation, STRQ, sending request to Headmaster" the voice paused for a moment, waiting for the approval of the man's request to meet with the undoubtedly busy Headmaster of Beacon. He wasn't worried though, Oz always had time for him. "Access granted" the voice said, proving him right as the doors closed and the elevator lurched upwards towards his destination.

After an elevator ride that lasted far shorter than he ever remembered when he'd been called up here as a student, he strode out of the lift and straight towards the wooden desk where his target sat, facing the window that gave him an amazing view of the campus.

"You know, whenever I come here, you're always doing that." The man said, his tone good-natured yet annoyed at the Professor who simply turned around in his chair, a small smile on his face.

"Well, normally when you come here, I'm in the middle of some conundrum or another Qrow." Ozpin said genially as he beckoned for the man, now known as Qrow to sit at the chair adjacent to his desk. He did so begrudgingly, pulling out his flask and taking a swig of it as he did.

"Well, what can I say, I'm normally the one being told to find a way to solve the conundrum" he said lazily, waving his flask around for emphasis. "However, it would seem this particular one is a bit closer, yet a hell of a lot further away from home than I'm used too dealing with, was what you told Taiyang true Ozpin? About Ruby, Yang, her team?" He asked curiously looking at the man with a far more serious expression than most had ever seen him wear.

Ozpin grimly nodded. "I'm afraid so, Ruby and her team were somehow pulled into a parallel dimension of sorts, completely separate from ours and full of unknown danger." His eyebrows furrowed as he thought about what he was going to do. On one hand, Glynda and team JNPR were already there, yet he couldn't help but feel that having Taiyang or Qrow there would calm his concerns about a few things that had been brought to his attention by the weekly reports he'd had Glynda come through to brief him on. This world was quite dangerous, less so than Remnant, it's dangers came more from the people that the two first year teams and Glynda had to deal with that were on either side of them. The ones who would seek to keep Miss Rose from Remnant for their own devices, be they nefarious or good intentioned, and the people who wished to cause her harm.

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