Chapter 5

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"They what!?" Yang exclaimed, her eyes turning red as she took the book from Blake's hand and read the passage herself. "The Triwizard tournament was cancelled after the events of the Tragedy of 1792, due to the high death toll." Yang threw the book over to Weiss, who looked rather shocked as well, the rage on her face was palpable as she read through the book, flipping through the different tasks over the seven hundred years this "tournament" took place.

Weiss' lips curled in disgust as she was handed another book by Ruby simply titled Triwizard Tragedies. "They had to write a book about the multiple deaths!?" Weiss shrieked, obviously appalled at the mere idea of it. She quickly skimmed through it, seeing multiple copies of newspaper clippings of the different tragedies, she muttered as she read, "Cockatrice tragedy of 1509, all three champions killed in first task. Lethifold murders last champion in 1615. Three champions die in third task in 1650.." she trailed off, turning slightly green as she continued.

Yang however, was shaking. "How..HOW COULD THEY KEEP THIS GOING!?" she screamed,her hair acquiring a very dangerous looking flame that licked at the walls of the castle as she thought of what she would do to the idiot who would reinstate this..death trap that her sister was trapped in. She started stomping off in the direction she'd seen the Headmaster of this place headed, assuming it must lead to his office.

Ruby very quickly ran up to her and grabbed her by the waist. Yang turned around and looked at her sister, an angry, yet quizzical look crossing her face. "Yang, where are you going?" Ruby asked, not wanting her sister to get in trouble. She was stuck in this thing either way, she needed Yang to be there for her and help her! Not going off to beat someone up, no matter how much they deserved it...

Yang looked at her like it was obvious, "I'm going to go beat up on the Headmaster until he cancels this stupid tournament!" She half answered, half shouted as she struggled out of her sister's grasp, before continuing on her war path in the general direction of the man that was hosting this event.

Ruby however, wouldn't have it. "Yang! Come back! If he could cancel it, I'm sure he would have found a way, but he obviously can't! I need you to help me train for this!" She called after her, before realizing something she REALLY should have realized earlier. "The people here don't use aura like we do! I'm sure I can take whatever they might throw at me! I'm not a weakling Yang, I don't need to be protected from this, I just need help" she shot in front of her sister, who had stopped when Ruby had said she needed her help. Yang was all of a sudden faced with a very large set of Ruby puppy dog eyes, which she'd normally be able to resist long enough to get away from her, but in her emotional state at the moment, Yang could only do one thing.

She took a deep breath, calmed down, and hugged her. "I know you don't need to be protected Ruby, but can you blame me for worrying about you?" Yang asked quietly as she leaned back from the embrace, a small smile on her face. She knew she'd overreacted, but her sister was stuck in some kind of death tournament, could anyone really blame her?

Ruby simply giggled at her sister's quick change in emotion and simply responded, "Nope!"

Ruby led Yang back over to Weiss and Blake, and only then noticed Hermione standing there with her eyes wide, and her mouth hanging open. "If you don't mind me asking..." she started, noticing the stares from the group, none of them were accusatory, but in Hermione's mind, she'd felt she had just intruded upon something she shouldn't have. "What was that?" She finished lamely, ready to run if they were in fact mad at her. She'd assumed they were witches as well, naturally because they were within Hogwarts wards and could see the castle as what it really was, at the very least they were squibs, but that display had just thrown that theory out the window.

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