Chapter 9

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In a dark, dank prison cell, a man shivered as his guards passed by, the usual cold aura making him relive his worst memories once again as they did. He contemplated turning into his animagus form, but today was inspection day, the day the Minister himself came to "see how well the Dementors were doing their job", and more than likely make snide remarks at the people behind the bars. Which meant he'd have to deal with the resurfacing memories of seeing his best friend dead and not knowing how his goddaughter was doing. What was her name again?

Sirius thought harder as the name tried to slip from his consciousness, the Dementors sucking away every happy facet of his life, he quickly changed his thoughts to his innocence, which allowed the Dementor to be somewhat satisfied as it floated away to do the same to someone else that was locked in this block. The second it left his vicinity the name came flowing back to him and he sighed in internal relief as he remembered.

Ruby. That was his goddaughter's name, it was a momentary relief, something that made him feel better to find he still remembered it, but made him inwardly groan in misery at not knowing her whereabouts, or how she was, no one had seen her for years, and Sirius had feared the worst. He knew when Dumbledore had said that "she was in a safe place" that he most likely meant Lily's sister and her whale of a husband. Which in his opinion was more dangerous than throwing her into a dragon enclosure.

He sighed in sadness again, cursing himself for thinking about her again, she was gone, either she had been moved to a different country, which he hoped was right, or she was dead, which Sirius really didn't want to think about.

However today, things were going to change, not that Sirius knew that yet of course.

"Here minister, you see the notorious murderer and You Know Who's second in command, Sirius Black." A burly guard said as the Minister looked at Sirius with an air of superiority.

The Minister leaned in, a small smile on his face as he admired Sirius' sunken features and starved looking physique. "Ah yes, Sirius Black, I think I know just the thing to make your stay just a little bit worse." He reached into his robes and threw that day's copy of The Daily Prophet into his cell before he stood back up and walked off to the next cell without so much as a goodbye.

Sirius looked at the front page and thought his mind had finally cracked under the pressure of the Dementor's and near starving diet that he'd been put on since his first day here. However, he felt the same as he normally did, so he grabbed the paper gingerly and began reading it, a smile forming on his face for the first time in thirteen years.


Yesterday the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament took place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, however as most of our readers know, this revival of the event has an unexpected fourth Champion, Ruby Potter.

Missing for thirteen years, the Girl Who Lived has finally returned, with an entry into this honorable event. Sources say that her name came out of the Goblet of Fire, and a few seconds after doing so, the Goblet saw fit to summon her into the Great Hall of Hogwarts.

And now, after three weeks of re-entering the wizarding world, Ruby Potter has taken first place in the First Task of the Triwizard tournament! Slaying her dragon and retrieving her item without so much as a single drop of her own blood spilt.

She received a single point more than the Durmstrang Champion, and World Cup competing Seeker, Viktor Krum, making her the first leader in the Triwizard Tournament of 1994.

This reporter looks forward to seeing how Miss Potter's next two tasks go, and if she will stay after the tournament has reached it's end.

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