Chapter 6

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Professor McGonagall had to consciously keep her jaw from hanging open after the display she'd just seen in front of her. She had expected Miss Rose (If that's what she'd been called for most of her life, so be it), to be at a huge disadvantage in this tournament, but it would appear she'd been grievously mistaken. She almost smiled at the daughter of two of her favorite students, but figured it would be best to keep up her professional face for a little while longer rather than act too friendly towards the girl, as her Professor seemed extremely wary of anyone that got near Ruby, not that Professor McGonagall could blame them. If she'd been sent to some alternate dimension, then she would be appropriately distrustful as well.

Minerva shook her head to clear the cobwebs that had formed in it and walked to the front of the crowd, the students getting out of her way as she moved, she came to a stop at the edge of their arena and crossed her hands in front of her, waiting patiently for the students to get themselves straightened up before she cleared her throat loudly to gain the attention of their Professor.

"Professor Goodwitch?" Minerva called out, waiting for the woman to finish writing notes on her odd device before she closed it and looked up at her with a single raised eyebrow.

"Yes, Professor McGonagall?" She asked politely, wondering what she wanted.

"I was sent to collect Miss" she paused for a moment, biting down the instinct to say Potter, "Rose and her team to take her to Diagon Alley to gather the most important thing she'll need for the tournament" she said shortly.

"And that would be?" Professor Goodwitch asked, her eyes narrowing and mouth morphing into a frown.

Professor McGonagall answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Why a wand of course."

Ruby looked at the Professor like she was crazy, "Why would I need a wand? I've got Crescent Rose..." she protectively held her sweetheart to her chest as if they were going to take it from her if she let it out of her sight.

Professor McGonagall looked at the weapon with trepidation, she figured that Dumbledore would get her special dispensation for her "weapon" due to her circumstances, but Minerva would really rather prefer her use a wand, if only because it would make the audience- and her, feel better.

Professor Goodwitch narrowed her eyes at had a microscopic frown as she scrutinized the woman, she didn't trust the staff here, especially the Headmaster, he looked at Ruby like he was planning something whenever she was in the same room as him, and she did not like it one bit. She internally sighed and came to a decision, "Alright, they can go" she saw Minerva's nod and intent to walk off with them before she added, "and I will accompany them." The Professor nodded to that and walked up to team RWBY with Professor Goodwitch now in tow.

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat and got the attention of the four exhausted girls, they looked at her with a quizzical expression in the case of Ruby and Yang, and a single raised eyebrow in the case of Blake and Weiss. "Miss Rose, I've been instructed to take you and your team to the Wizarding World's shopping center, Diagon Alley to get a few items you'll be needing for the tournament, your team and Professor will accompany you as well, now come along, we'll be taking the Floo to our destination, please, follow me. She turned around and began leading them back to the castle with the Beacon residents wondering just what exactly they would be doing.

The Professor eventually led them to her office where she grabbed a small pot from the mantle of her fireplace and took a small pinch of green powder out. she turned back towards the group accompanying her and held it up for them to see. "This is Floo powder, one of the many ways of magical travel in our world. It's use is quite simple" she threw the powder into the fireplace, causing a fire to start and burn green. "You throw the powder into the fire, and then you state your destination, very clearly." The fire died down, leaving the fireplace unlit. "Understand?" The four students nodded uncertainly while Professor Goodwitch looked at her with a critical eyebrow raised.

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