Chapter 4

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The next morning, Ruby awoke in a daze, her brain taking it's time to get up to full capacity. She sat up, stretched, and yawned before she opened her eyes, and noticed her bed wasn't swaying like it normally did. "That's odd" thought Ruby as she moved to leap off her bed, intent on awakening Weiss to take first shower so she wouldn't be upset if Yang somehow managed it.

However when she leaped off the bed, instead of the normal seven foot drop she was accustomed to in the mornings, she fell a whole two feet.

Ruby's eyes shot open at this, thinking that her bed had fallen from the roof in her sleep, and squashed her partner.

"Weiss!?" Ruby screamed turning around to pull the bed off of her teammate, only to realize she wasn't in her dorm anymore...

This made her panic more, at least until she remembered what happened the day before, thinking it was a dream. She calmed down slightly, remembering that at least she hadn't crushed her teammate, partner, and BFF (No matter how much Weiss denied it!). Of course, realizing that she wasn't in a dream, and was in fact, in a different dimension, in a magical castle, where she was apparently famous, was a bit of a shock in and of itself. However, for some reason it didn't affect her anywhere near as much as the thought of her hurting Weiss.

"Hmmm, odd. Then again, she IS my partner, so of course I would be far more panicked if I accidentally hurt her! Even if we are in some different dimension, at least I know Weiss, and the rest of Team RWBY is okay!" thought Ruby as a way of explaning it to herself, even though it felt slightly wrong to her. Instead she shrugged it off and ran into the "Common area" of their suite to find Blake curled up in a chair by the fire with a book in her hand, seemingly contented with reading her literature by firelight.

"Hey Blake!" Ruby said in her usual chipper tone as she walked up and looked over the faunus' shoulder. "Whatcha reading?" She asked, scanning the words on the page.

Blake silently chuckled at her leader as she replied without looking up from her book. "It's apparently some form of book on magical animals." Blake could almost feel Ruby's confused face at the new information, to which Blake defined with only a moment's pause. "It's a book about the habits and appearance of different kinds of animals, the types you would only read about in fairy tales, really." Blake said, flipping to a certain set of pages she was sure Ruby would find fascinating.

On it was a white horse, seemingly immaculate in every way, the very definition of a thoroughbred, however, there was something that clearly defined this thing as not being a horse. The giant horn protruding from it's head. Ruby gasped at the picture, partly because it was a photograph of a creature she was fairly sure only existed in a fairy tale, and partly because the picture was moving just the paintings that lined the walls of the large castle.

Blake smirked at the reaction Ruby gave, even if it was just an outwards expression of her own when she had seen some of these for the first time. She turned the pages to the next one, the XXXXX Creature. A Dragon. Ruby gasped even louder as the next picture showed a green scaled dragon, with large scales protruding from it's back at regular intervals, it's eyes burning with inner fire as it lashed around the enclosure it was trapped within. The page had more pictures on it, each with descriptions of the species of dragons that were there, the Swedish Short Snout, the more timid Welsh Green, the Chinese Fireball that was living up to it's name in it's picture, and a few other species, including the beautiful Antipodean Opaleye, the poisonous Peruvian Hypertooth,the incredibly dangerous Hungarian Horntail, and the absolutely massive Ukrainian Ironbelly.

Ruby did her best to hide her excitement at the dragons, the unicorns were cool and all, but dragons are so much cooler! They breathe fire! According to the book though, they couldn't be trained, so they were contained on reserves in different locations such as Sweden, Romania, Hebrides, and Wales. Ruby wasn't familiar with any of those all. She sighed, why couldn't this place at least look like Remnant!? She's asked the Professor that had brought them here last night if there were any Grimm, but all she'd gotten was wide eyes and a frightened look when she'd explained what they were. It would seem that while they didn't have Grimm (which both relieved and disappointed the young girl), they did have large monsters such as these that they used for potion ingredients, food, and clothing. It was rather odd, but Ruby shrugged it off, everything about this place was odd. From the shape of it's continents, to the absence of Grimm, and it's lack of Faunus. Ruby thought the last two the weirdest. She was in a world where Grimm didn't exist, and every corner of this "Earth" (Which was a really terrible name for a planet, it's named after dirt? Seriously?) was inhabited.

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