Night Terrors

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I wake sweating, breathing heavy. My clock reads 3:36. A black figure stands at the foot of my bed.

My screams are torn from my mouth as a large, rusted dagger is plunged into my chest.

I shoot upward, glad it was just a dream. I glance at my clock, reading 3:35. The door creaks open.


We gather at the table, and I'm more than ready for the feast.

Everyone serves up the turkey, stuffing, corn and more. We laugh and  talk until we are filled with the delicious food.

I grab my 'special' drink, and pour everyone a glass.

I tap my spoon against the side,"A toast! To life, and death!" I exclaim. "To life and death!" They recite.

I place down my drink, and watch everyone drop around me. Jake, my husband, walks in.

"Is the deed done?" I nod, giving him a kiss on the cheek. We both grab a glass, "To death!" He shouts! We link our arms and take a sip.

I suddenly stumble back. As the cold poison moves through my veins, I realized I grabbed the wrong glass.


The Beldam

She sees you.

She knows.

She loves you.

But sucks away your soul.

She takes what she wants.

And won't give it back.

You'll be hers.

Whether you like it or not.

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