Bored but heres a story

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I push my jet black hair back over my shoulder. "Mom, I don't want to go to great aunt Nita's funeral. I didn't even know her!" I groan, hitting her hands as she tries to wipe off my black makeup.

"I don't care how emo you think you are! You're going even if you don't want to!" Mom says sternly, giving me a pink dress.

I scream in my pillow, and toss my head back up. "Fine, but I'm choosing my outfit." I demand. Mom rolls her eyes. "Whatever Eva, just be ready to leave in ten minutes."

I smirk, knowing she won't bother to argue. I pull out a knee length black dress with lace sleeves that wrap around my hands. I pull out a black flower crown and a dark red necklace, which I happened to get from Great Aunt Nita one Christmas, not that I remember her from even then.

I put on the dress, and brush my hair straight, then put on the flower crown. I walk out to moms shoe closet, taking a pair of plain black flats. 

She peeks her head in. "At Least you look halfway decent, but can you TRY to be nice to your cousins!" She insists. I frown,"I don't make any promises."


We walk silently to the back of the funeral home, right before it starts. I see some family members, I don't really recall, crying near the front. I sit on the edge, as far from my mother as possible.

Something taps my shoulder, but I knock it away. "Nita Marie Rosten was an amazing person..." Someone starts in the front. It taps my shoulder again, and I shudder. "Stop it mom!" I hiss.

She gives me a ticked look,"I'm not doing anything!" I roll my eyes, giving her a death glare.

It taps my shoulder once more, and I whip my head around, then let out an ear splitting scream, behind me stands the dead corpse of my Great Aunt Nita, pointing to me, a disgusting stench wreaking from her hanging mouth.

"Please pay attention deary." She croaks. I fall down, being absorbed into a pitch black darkness.

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