A little about the author(updated)

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I just realized I'm completely the opposite of what you would expect from a horror story writer, so I thought you guys might want to know a little about me.

I am 14, almost 15 now, and very small.

I have a 3 year old alusky (husky/alaskan malamute) puppy that weighs 15 pounds more than me. I have a 2 year old kitten who looks like an Egyptian mau/tabby mix.  and an 10 year old domestic long hair cat that is FAT and lazy but adorable. Updated Also I now have 2 (jack russel/dachsund/pug) mix puppies tha5 are barely a year old. They're so cute!

I was diagnosed with Crohns Disease in March/2016. I'm very young to have it, but I manage. If you aren't sure what it is, Google it, it's complicated. If you're too lazy to Google it, I have a sort of basic way of saying it.

It's blisters/ulcers, inflammation, and other things in my digestive tract that results in malnutrition, anemia, stunted growth, food intolerances, heartburn, lactose intolerance, among other things(this is my growing list, updated May/2018)  As of this time I've also had half my colon&appendix taken out as a result. Fun. Lots of meds.

Though besides Crohns, my life isn't scary or depressing in any way. (2 years later I beg to differ) Now edited, I like drawing, reading, watching netflix, writing, other boring things, and I'm a huge nerd. I've grown up on star wars, marvel, d&d, any RPG's, LoR, anything you can think of really. 

I love my huge family of 24 cousins, 21 aunt's and uncles, Lord knows how many others, who I love visiting. I'm a sucker for anything sweet, love playing with my animals, and love being an idiot with my friends.

Anyways, I'd like to know a little about you guys! Comment or send me a message or whatever, I'd just like to know a little more about the crowd who reads my book. Please and thank you!

PS I was about to publish this and saw a box out of thw corner of my eye. Being me I thought it was a gremlin.

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