Chapter Eight: Something Sinister.

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The sun light wakes me up, I stretch and moan "Fack!" I curse, I'd obviously slept in an awkward position, but I was distracted by the excruciating pain in my head. I could not believe that Jay could have possably done this to me, someone so sweet and caring. I thought I was falling for him too, this was so like me, as soon as I let my guard down I got hurt, that's what happened last time, I will always life to regret that, if I have the chance and it was sure to happen again. 

I can't get my dream out of my thoughts, I was walking down an ally on a cold, dark winters night, I was paranoid, felt as if I was being followed. I jumped out of my skin as I notice something move, something or someone was watching me, it was too dark to make out what it was, then I heard a deep hoot, an owl. It spread its wings out and dived at me as it reached for me it suddenly it made a transmutation into a crow and dropped at my feet, stone cold, I screamed in fright. That was when my dream ended. I remember doing some research for an English homework, it was based on symbolism, I just couldn't remember what birds symbolise. Something dark and sinister was my guess.

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