47: Time Flies

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A/N: Listen to A Thousand Years by Christina Perri

3 months later

Jasmine's POV

It's August now and how time flies. Azalea is growing up so fast. I also can't believe the summer is coming to an end. Time does really fly.

Davi's birthday is next week and I can't believe he's turning 7. He's growing up so fast.

Rafaella is getting married soon! Yup Royce proposed to her, and I'm happy for them. Lucas is growing up so fast too. They are doing great. I think I'm going to call her.

I went upstairs to our room and saw Neymar messing around with Azalea.
He's pretty obsessed with her if I had a word for it, but it's cute. He kept kissing her cheek a bunch of times and she would giggle. I smiled giggling at the sight. I requested a FaceTime call with Rafaella. On the third ring she answered.

"Hola Rafaella!" we said and waved. "Hola guys!" she smiled. "How's everything over there?" I asked. "Good. Normal nothing new. Royce is laying down with Lucas. How about you guys?" she asked.

"Good here too. Nothing much here too." I said. "Hey I have a game." Neymar interjected. "Oh yeah. Sorry." I corrected myself. "I miss you all." she said. "We do too Rafa." Neymar said. "I miss Brasil, our parents." she sighed. "It's hard to get used to Rafa but soon New York will be your second home." Neymar said. "I don't want this to be my home?!" she exclaimed and I laughed.

"Hey that's my second home. What's wrong with it?" I asked. "I don't know America is so different. Nice to visit but I can't live here." she said. "You will be fine Rafa." we said.

"Whatever how is my sobrinha?" she asked. "Good. Very energetic." I said taking Azalea out of Neymar's arms. "She's so adorable." Rafa gushed. "Of course she's related to Jasmine and I." Neymar said and Rafaella rolled her eyes.

"I still can't believe two childhood bestfriends got married and has kids together. Would never thought that would happen with you guys, but it did." she smiled. "And I plan to be with her the rest of my life." Neymar said wrapping his arm around my shoulder and I smiled at him.

"Aw so cute. I can't stand it. I think I'm going to be with my boys. I'll talk you later. Good luck with your game Juhnino. I love you guys." she said. "Love you too Rafa." we said and then she hung up.

"I got to get ready." Neymar said and got off the bed. "Alright." I said and he kissed my forehead.


Antonella already took the kids to the game. I had to do some things first because I'm about to start working again.

I got ready and started listening to music while doing it. I always have to have music getting ready. "You're looking in the wrong place for my love!" I sang putting on my make up. I put on some clothes and left.

I started driving and for some reason I started sweating. Weird. My legs started shaking and I'm trying to control it because I'm driving. I started seeing cones on the roads for construction and I started getting scared.

I started slowing down and then BOOM!

Neymar's POV

I put my thumb in my mouth when I scored the goal. Leading us 4-1. "Neymar!" Coach called me over and I was very confused. "Your wife is in the hospital." he said and my whole world collapsed right at that moment. "Why?" I asked scared. "I don't know but Neymar go!" he said and I ran into the locker room and changed real quick.

What the hell happened?! I'm so scared.

I was speeding and I passed like 3 red lights but I didn't care one bit.

I finally got there and rushed to the office. "How may I help you?" the lady said. "What room is Jasmine Alves in?" I asked. "23A." she said and I went zooming trying to find that room.

I found out. I opened the door and I couldn't believe my eyes. Jasmine was there laying pale, bruises all over her body, looked so lifeless.

I took a seat by her and held her hand. "God please no." I begged crying.

"Junior?" I heard a soft voice. "Jasmine. Oh my gosh." I said. "Junior I need you to listen to me." she said. "Of course." I said. "I'm not going to be here anymore. Tell the kids I love them. Make sure they have the best lives ever. Tell my family the same. Junior I love you so so much. You are a blessing to me and to everyone. Mostly I want you to never forget me." she said.

"Jasmine what do you mean? I love you so much and I will never forget you." I said. I saw her eyes shutting down.


Author's Note:

I actually cried making this chapter

I will make a prologue tomorrow. 😭😭😭😢😢

I can't believe it. This book has came a long way. I'm surprised I've done so much in this time period.

Thank you all so much for the support.❤❤

PM any questions you have always.

Brasil vs. Argentina tomorrow

Prologue (the real ending tomorrow)

I love you all so much


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