34: Lorenzo

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Neymar's POV


6 years ago

I haven't seen Jasmine in 2 weeks and she hasn't contacted me since the day after her birthday. I know she will never forgive me but it's done it happened and can't do anything about it.

I went over to her house and I saw the window was closed. Wonder why Jasmine always has it open. I knocked on the door and I saw Tia looking down not saying a word. "Ola tia are you okay?" I asked concerned. "Yeah anyways what brings you here?" she asked looking at me. "I wanted to see if Jasmine was alright." I said.

"Neymar I hate to say this but she's gone. She left." she said. "What? Why? When?" I asked. "Last week to follow her dreams. When she's ready she will talk to you." Tia said and I nodded. "Tchau Neymar tell everyone I said Ola." she said. "Will do." I said and put my hands in my pockets and started walking back.

I went to the tree that was still there from when we first met. N+J+R isn't as vivid anymore but still engraved. I sat down by it and thought about her. What if I never see her again? What will I do? I started tearing up. I love her.

End of flashback

I woke up and saw my beautiful fiance next to me. Six years later I have her back and I'm having a child with her. I wrapped my arms around her waist softly and she started moving as she was waking up.
She faced me and opened her beautiful green eyes. "Bom dia Jassy." I whispered. "Bom dia." she said and laid her head on my chest.

Sometimes I always wonder why I fell in love with my best friend like our relationship as friends is different now but I don't care I love her. "I don't want you and Davi to leave." Jasmine said. "I'm sorry we don't want to leave you either." I said. "I'll be sure to come to brasil earlier." she said.

"Take your time okay? I don't want you to get stressed," I said and she nodded. "I love you." I said kissing her forehead and put my hand on her stomach. "I love you too." she said getting up. "Babe what are you doing?" I complained. "You can't be in bed forever." she said and went to the bathroom.


Jasmine's POV

"Bye mama I love you I will miss you." Davi said hugging me and I kissed his cheek. "Bye Davi I'll see you soon. I love you." hugging him forever. "Eh hem. Forgetting about someone?" Neymar interrupted. "No." I joked. "What?" he complained. I got up to him and smiled.

"I'm just kidding I'll miss you junior." I said wrapping my arms around his neck and he had his arms around my waist. "I'll miss you too jassy. I hope the baby doesn't give you too much trouble. I love you." he whispered. "I love you too." I whispered and he kissed me. We were making out and all the cameras were flashing but we didn't care. "This is not a place to have pda." some woman interjected. "Sorry." I broke away and she rolled her eyes.

Neymar laughed it off and I rolled my eyes. "Bye babe, bye Davi." I said and left the airport.


I had to do some stuff for work and around the house. Shit. I need to return something and go to the apple store to see what's wrong with my laptop. I got my lazy ass out of bed, changed clothes and got ready.

While I was at the mall I ate, turned in my computer at the apple store and I looked around more stores. I saw a bunch a baby stuff and IT WAS SO CUTE!!! I want to be 5 months already so I can buy all this baby stuff.

"Excuse me can you help us?" a pregnant woman asked me. "Sure what can I help you with?" I said going up to her. "I don't know which crib to get?" She asked. It was two beautiful white cribs. "I don't even know that's a very hard question both of them are beautiful." I said. "Baby shopping is so difficult." she sighed.

"Are you having a girl or a boy?" I asked. "Boy." she said. "Well I think you should get the left one. The right one looks a little girly but it's your choice at the end of the day." I said. "That's what I was thinking I just thought it was only me. Thank you." she smiled. "Of course." I said.

I was walking back to my car. "Jasmine." I heard a familiar voice. I kept walking but I heard footsteps following me so I stopped. "Yes Lorenzo?" I asked. "Hey do you want to hang out sometime?" he asked. "Lorenzo can I talk to you somewhere private?" I asked. I need to tell him the truth. "Your car." he said and we went in.

"Lorenzo I'ved moved on and you need to. I don't know what your doing but you need to stop. We can't be friends because I don't trust you. I fully don't believe you're "not in contact with Carolina". Please Lorenzo it's the best for you. You hurt me I was happy, I thought you were the perfect guy but I was totally wrong." I explained and his beautiful blue eyes were filled with sorrow which always got to me. "We can be happy again." he begged touching my hand.

"I'm getting married Lorenzo." I said softly moving my hand. "I get it I'll give you space." he said and left my car. I sighed and started driving.

I showered, changed into comfortable clothes, started watching Netflix, and texted Neymar for a little bit. I turned off the TV and fell asleep in a lonely bed.

Author's Note:

Hola everyone!!!!

Barcelona goes Athletico Madrid on Wednesday!! I'm sorry baby Griezy but I hope Barça wins!! Visça El Barça!!

Don't know what else to say

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I love you all❤


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