44: A New Member

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1 month later

Jasmine's POV

Neymar and I have been arguing again. It's not as often as you think but it is never great when a couple argues. Even about little things but at the end of the day we love each other.

I can finally workout again. It felt so weird not to, because I used to workout everyday. It's been so long.
I worked out for a bit, and I went back in our room, and I saw Neymar and Azalea asleep together.

My heart melted how cute they looked. I took a picture and sent it to our parents and Rafaella. It's scary how Azalea also looks exactly like Neymar when he was a baby but she has blue eyes. She is already getting the same skin color.

I took a shower and then I went downstairs carrying Azalea. She woke up fussing. "Shhh it's fine." I shushed swaddling her. I just admired my daughter in awe. She is such a blessing to me even if I barely get any sleep. I will do anything for her.

I heard some noises upstairs. Close to yelling. What in the world is Neymar doing? "NEYMAR QUE DIABOS!!" I yelled and I heard running. "Where's Aza-thank you Jesus." he said and started kissing us.

Neymar sat on the couch on his phone. His eyes went wide and stood up. "Rafaella is going into emergency labor. I got to go." he said and started running upstairs. What?! I hope her and the baby is okay. I wish I can go but I need to stay to watch Davi and Azalea.

He came running downstairs like Usain Bolt. "I got to go. I love you Azalea. I love you jassy tell Davi I love him." he said and kissed us fast. "I will and keep me updated. I love you too junior." I said and he left.

"I guess it's just you and I filha." I said and she just stared at me.

Before I pick up Davi up from school I want to go around the city. We went around the beauty of Barcelona.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around and I saw Lorenzo. What the fuck. Why can't he just leave me alone. I put down the shade thing in the stroller. "What do you want Lorenzo?" I snapped.

"I'm not trying to ask you to give me another chance I know it's not going to happen. I just want to be friends." he said and I sighed. "Okay Lorenzo when I'm ready to be friends then maybe but right now I'm not." I explained and he nodded. "Can I see her?" he asked and I pulled up the shade of the stroller.

"She's beautiful Jasmine." he smiled. "Thank you." I smiled. "She has blue eyes like me." he said surprised kind of happy. "She's not yours Lorenzo." I said serious. "I wasn't thinking about that but the eyes make sense." he chuckled. "I have to go but nice seeing you around." I lied. "You too Jasmine." he walked with his hands in his pockets.

I went to pick up Davi and he was happy to get out of school like always. "Mama!! Azalea!" He said and hugged me. "Hi baby!!" I exclaimed kissing his forehead.

Neymar's POV

I got to New York in enough time before the baby is here but I'm still worried the baby isn't here.

I got to the hospital and met up with Royce. "How's Rafaella?" I asked and bro hugged him. "They have to do an emergency C-section and they won't let us come in.

"I'm so nervous." I said and sat down. "Me too." Royce said and sat next to me. "Thank you Royce." I said. "What?" he asked. "Thank you for making my sister happy. I just acted all hatred to you because I want to the best for her. She's really happy with you and I can see that. So if you are still trying to marry her you have my blessing." I explained and he went extremely happy.

"Really? Are you sure? Thank you Neymar." he smiled. "Anytime." I said. "I wonder what my son will do when he's older?" Royce said. "Let's hope not singing. Hopefully football," I said. "We have to keep some history going." I said. "What about your kids?" he laughed. "Davi doesn't like football. Pretty sure Azalea won't. I'm just kidding your son can do anything." I laughed.

The doctors came out and smiled. "You can come in now. Congratulations." They said and we went in. I saw my sister carrying her first child in her arms. "Neymar!" "Rafaella!" we said at the same time. I kissed her for head. We haven't seen each other in awhile. Rafaella gave their son to Royce and hugged me. "I missed you. How is everyone?" she said. "I missed you too Rafa. Everyone is good," I said.

Royce was tearing up. I don't blame him so did Rafaella. "What's his name? You haven't told me yet." I said. "You and Jasmine did the same thing." she said. "True." I said. "It's," Rafaella looked at Royce.

"Lucas Santos Rojas." Rafaella finished. Santos? I'm surprised she didn't put Beckran! "Santos?!" I asked. "Yes Neymar our son is your sobrinho and is in the Santos family. No matter what I'm still a Da Silva Santos, Juninho." Rafaella said and we laughed.

I'm happy for my sister. She deserves it.

Author's Note:

Hola everyone!!

Wanted to update today so I did😊

Don't know what else to say

Feel free to ask any questions.

I love you all❤


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