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Sunday 4th September, 2016.

Kgosi carried his wife bridal style into their home on Sunday evening. The Doctor confirmed it might take a while for her to get back on her feet but she is recovering really well. He sat her down on the couch and went back outside to get her hospital bags from the car. Just as he closed the door, he felt a sharp object on his head. He slowly turned around to find Lorato holding a knife in one hand and a black short gun in the other.

"Lorato." He whispered.

"Yes it is me."

Desire had never felt so helpless in her life especially against her friend and partner in evil.

"Let him go Lorato."

"Why should I do that? Chidi is gone and now both you and that miss goody two shoe Lolita are getting your happily ever after. What about me huh?!!!"

Kgosi was on his knees just next to his wife who was weeping profusely.

"How did we get here Desire? How did I allow you to push me into this craziness?"

"I will go to prison if you will just let my husband go."

"Prison? Since when did Kgosi become "my husband?" Was he not just a toy in your hands? Someone you used and dumped?"

"I will pay for that every day of my life. Where did you even get that thing in your hand?"

"This gun? I smuggled it in during my last visit to South-Africa. My hatred towards Lolita was overflowing and I knew then just what to do."

"I told you to wait...I told you not to hurt anyone without my ..."

"Permission?" Lorato slapped Desire hard across the face. Kgosi wanted to get up to help his wife but Lorato's black weapon pointing right at him stopped him.

"I...I planned to call you so we could call everything off just before the accident...when I saw Darren and realized I was just a fool."

"You used me! You used all of us! I am not going down alone Desire! I will destroy you!!!"

"Kgosi won't divorce me even after begging him to do so."

"Typical of Saint Kgosi." Lorato replied bitterly.

"I am sorry you got into this mess Lorato. I started this."

"It is too late for that Desire and I refuse to rot in jail alone. I am not going down alone!"

"I am paralyzed Lorato! Remaining with Kgosi will be torture."

Lorato gave her a small but evil smile, "because your heart is black and his is pure. I'm not taking the blame for your wickedness." She left them and went to the front door. She opened it and a masked guy walked in and shut the door behind them. The couple flinched at the sight of him; tall and muscle bound.

"That is the ice goddess you are here to kill." Lorato said pointing at Desire.

Kgosi stood up and said in desperation, "What will you gain by killing Desire? I am mad at her too! She is already serving her punishment."

"No! It isn't enough! She has you to take care of her." Tears suddenly rolled down Lorato's face as she pointed the gun in Desire's direction. "My family will disown me once this gets out."

Kgosi knelt in front of her pleading and begging to let it all go.

"Get out of my way!" She shouted as rage filled her eyes and handed the gun to the masked man. She put the knife away and said, "This is the guy I brought all the way from South Africa to help me finish things up after which I will leave and enjoy the rest of my life."

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