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Wednesday, 30th August.

For three days she had awoken from her deep sleep but kept it a secret. She listened to all conversations made in her room and soon realised she was at the center of it all. Her mind was a mess on the first day and she could not make sense of her surroundings nor could she move her body. She felt heavy and light-headed. How long has it been since her accident? That was the scene that woke her up with a start. The Doctor in charge already noticed the changes in her vital signs but was disturbed because there was no physical change.

It was early in the morning on Wednesday that Kgosi walked in with Ryan talking about Lolita in hush tones but she could hear and understood everything. There was a fire started by Lorato and Lolita got hurt in the process and has not woken up since Sunday- the day of the incidence. Even more disturbing was that Lorato had disappeared without a trace. Tears ran down her face as she thought about everything that brought these calamities upon them. Her quest for a baseless revenge on a loyal friend; her enjoyment of others' pain because of her own unhappiness and refusal to accept true love when it finally arrived at her door was the cause. More tears ran down her face and this time she slowly opened her eyes, moved her fingers and tried to get up. Her scream was what caught the attention of the two men who were unaware of all that happened.

"Desire!!!" Kgosi ran to her side as she screamed even more in pain. He gently laid her back down. Tears of joy ran down his own face while Ryan left to get her Doctor.

"My heart and life, thank you for coming back to us." He kissed her forehead and held her hand gently. He began to cry and caressed her face; she looked away plagued by the guilt of what she had done; the cold and wicked words she uttered against him and to him. She was unforgivable!! Just then her Doctor and two nurses rushed in. After checking her vitals and confirming that she was okay, he smiled brightly and said to them,

"Congratulations Mr. Gaofenngwe, your wife is back. We are going to run some tests and see what more needs to be done."

"I...I can't move." Desire said as tears clouded her vision.

"Don't worry yourself my dear, you are awake and that is what matters now." The Doctor replied.

Desire only looked away and continued to shed bitter tears of regret.

Hours later,

After refusing to see her parents but smiled for her parents –in- law, Desire was finally alone with her loving husband.

"Hey gave us all a scare." He started to say. "The Doctor said you will walk again with the help of a physiotherapist. I promise to be with you every step of the way."

Desire looked at him with sad eyes, "I'm sorry Kgosi but I will not be going back with you."

"What do you mean? You are my wife."

"I am leaving with my parents." She replied weakly.

"For better and for worse Des; I will not abandon you." He said firmly.

"You cannot force me Kgosi." She replied with more strength in her voice.

Kgosi stood up from her side, looking directly into her eyes said,

"You cannot use me and dump me Desire!"

"Divorce me! Report me to the immigration- get me deported." He could see she was frustrated and angry.

"Not going to happen – you will pay for what you've done." He sighed then added in a firm tone.

"Becoming a victim sometimes is by choice. You almost ruined an entire family and now Lolita is comatose! You used me! Do you realise how sickening that was? You didn't even spare a thought for me because it was all about you; about your revenge. You didn't think about the innocent souls you dragged into your mess." He bent towards her, looked at her and vehemently spat out "Divorce? No Desire! I refuse to be like you. Once your citizenship papers come out, we can then go our separate ways."

"But that could take years! I might never walk again; do you want to be stuck with me for life?" She was getting tired of the conversation because she did not expect Kgosi to be so kind to her.

"What? You don't want to?" He asked in a slightly mocking manner.

"Let us part ways so you could move on." Desire said in an almost whisper.

"Move on? You are a wicked human being! You can tell me to move on when you could not move on for over a decade!" He was so enraged by her shallow thinking that he grabbed the vase by her bedside and smashed it into the wall and screamed in pain. Why was she messing with him even while in a helpless state?

He grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking her even with the brace on her neck, "Whatever did I do to deserve this? I loved you! I still do!"

Tears of regret ran down her face as she processed his words. God did not abandon her- he gave her a loving and wonderful husband who showered her with love and was never unkind to her; a mother –in- law that cherished her even more than the one who bore her. What more was she looking for?

"KG, I'm sorry." Desire said remorsefully. "I really am." He was always the one to apologise even when she was the one that wronged him. For the first time in her life, she felt peace and love indescribable. She had finally made peace with herself, God and now her husband.

"Please forgive me...please." All the anger she had stored up over the years left her body in that instant. She suddenly felt light headed.

Kgosi thought he heard wrong, his dear wife was never sorry towards anybody.


Two Nurses rushed in to find out what the commotion was about when Desire closed her eyes and became unresponsive.

"Desire! Desire! Des!" Kgosi called out her name.

"Please Sir, wait outside." One of the nurses said as the other one pulled out her phone and called the Doctor.

Kgosi sat down on the floor outside Desire's room and began to weep. What will happen if she goes back to coma and what if she never wakes up?

 What will happen if she goes back to coma and what if she never wakes up?

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