Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-seven

                My mind replayed over and over again the sight of my old room. To tell the truth, it was surprising. But not the disappointing kind of surprise, more like I-didn’t-really-expect-for-this kind of surprise. Because for spending my full life in this house, and having two little brothers, I kind of, know what to expect in a boy’s room. But, lemme tell you, Nathan was not like normal boys.

                I mean, who keeps his room clean and spotless with hospital cornered bed? And who uses a crossbow at this century anyway? I could have sworn that he was some kind of a bandit. Ya know, like the Robin Hood type. He steals to help the poor ones. I have to admit, if he’s like that, he’s no bad guy. But what if he’s not the good guy? If he’s the bad guy? I hope he won’t murder me at my sleep.

                I rolled over to my right. My bed side clock tells me that it’s already midnight, but I still lay there awake. Thinking. Not really caring if I could get enough good night sleep. But it seems like sleep had forgotten to visit me tonight.

                I sat up for no reason at all. My head swirled for a full minute. I know how much I craved for something to eat tonight because I didn’t have a really satisfying dinner.

                I walked out of bed and put on my slippers and headed for the kitchen. I might look like I’m sleep walking because there are no lights anywhere in this house. But I’ve always live here all my life that I could get my way around the house blind folded.

                By the time I went to the kitchen, still with no aid of lights, I heard the front door open. Who would be snooping out this late at night? Mum? No, she still has work early tomorrow morning. Dad? He couldn’t be, he can’t walk around the house with no lights. The dweebs? Definitely not! Which leaves Nathan to be the only suspect of lurking, and snooping. But why?

                I shrugged off my hunger and peeked. It was him. I could see his perfect silhouette with the moon’s shadow. He was carrying his crossbow. I knew it! I knew he’s the bad guy! I just knew it!

                He walked took one step out the door and turned to my direction. I ducked and hid behind something I don’t know. At least he didn’t see me, right? He could kill me right on the spot and make it look like an accident.

                By the time I felt sure to peek again, he was gone. And the door was close. I don’t know what he’s up to, but there’s no way I am not going to know it. So, I must sacrifice my hunger, it could wait later. What I’m scared of is he might hurt someone, someone that might be someone I know. Or worse, my friends.

                Do I think it’s reckless? Yes.

                Do I think I’m going to get into serious problem if Mum and Dad found out that I’m snooping out of the house at midnight? And worse if the police caught me? Yes, and yes.

                Do I think it’s worth it? Yes.

                Do I think I could get caught? Well, that depends.

                I walked out of the house as silent as I could and followed Nathan. Remind me again why I didn’t mind changing my clothes? Because, here I am, walking and snooping around the neighbourhood in my jammies.

                A cold breeze pass through me and made me shiver. I could see Nathan from here. It’s weird to see him go out of the house this late. It makes me think that he’s up to no good. Like, ya know, robbing the nearby bank or jewellery shop. Doing some serious vandalism around town, but now to consider it, it’s not that bad. We need to beautify our neighbourhood anyway.

                I shook my head. Now sleep is visiting me, great. Can he do it later? I’m doing some serious investigation here!

                I  saw Nathan stop in front of the Mason’s house. Poor old Mrs. Mason, she and her husband has always been quarrelling lately. And whose I’m really sorry for is Natalie. Poor kid, she’s still so young to see her family fall apart. Not that I’m saying that it is falling apart, but it seem like only a few more months or rather weeks, it’s might happen.

                Want to know why the Mason’s were fighting? Well, according to the gossip and rumour I heard in my previous days at detention is that Mrs. Mason found Mr. Mason cheating. I don’t what they meant at cheating, because technically, there are a lot of term and meaning to apply at the word cheating.

                So, I took a better look. Oh sweet mother of Zeus, is he going to kill them? I took a few steps closer. By now, I could say that I’m only a few feet away from him. He knocked at the door. What? Is he stupid? He knocked on his target’s door? Isn’t that like the worse violation ever to do when you’re trying to rob a house or try to kill the whole family? Now he’s being stupid.

                I wanted to yell. But I couldn’t. I watched because that’s all I could do. If he does kill him, I could shut up my big mouth, and if the police found out about it, I’d be willing to serve as witness.

                Mr. Mason came out with his jammies. I’m not being juvenile if I say that I could swear that even in the dark, I could see Mr. Mason wearing his very laugh-able jammies with strawberry prints at it. I almost laughed at it, but I didn’t. Shame that I forgot to bring my camera or my phone at the least. This could have worth a thousand notes in Tumblr or Facebook or MySpace.

                I bit my lip on trying hard not to let a laugh escape my lips. And it worked. I pressed my eyes close and shook my head. Now I’m getting really sleepy, but I need to know and investigate. So when my eyes adjusted to the dark, I quickly stared at the Mason’s house. Nathan and Mr. Mason were talking, they seemed serious, and then, terror of terror, Nathan stabbed him with his arrow in his crossbow. A gasp escaped through me because I couldn’t scream.

                But I don’t know what’s supposed to be scary. The fact that Nathan stabbed Mr. Mason with his arrow, or the sight of it suddenly disappear.

                I couldn’t take it. I stood up from where I was hiding from and quickly marched to Nathan.

                “What the hell was that? Are you trying to kill the whole Mason family like that?” I asked, or more like hissed through the street lights.

                His eyebrows frowned. “What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be sleeping, Yani! Go back to bed! Now.” He hissed back.

                “I’d go back to bed and then what? You’ll slaughter the whole town? No way!” I said.

                “Look, I don’t need to argue with you right now. I need to get him back to bed before he wakes up.” He said and he was soon carrying Mr. Mason in his shoulders effortlessly. It was like he was carrying a very light pillow.

                “Whoa? Before he wakes up? What do you mean? You just stabbed him with a arrow and that’ll make him sleep?”

                “I’ll explain later, but please, keep your mouth quiet!” He hissed and when I blinked, he was gone.

                Wha? What just happened?

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