If I Believe

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“Troy has perished, the great city

  Only the red flame lives there.

  The dust is rising, spreading out like a great wing of smoke,

    And all is hidden.

We now are gone, one here, one there.

    And Troy is gone forever

  Farewell, dear city.

    Farewell, my country, where my children lived.

  There below, the Greek ships await.”

 Bethann read the verse sorrowful like she was one of the Trojans who was defeated in the Trojan War. I don’t get it why people believe this kind of stuff. Like, Greeks worship Gods and Goddesses of... what? God and Goddesses of everything they do. Don’t they believe in Monotheism? It’s really weird actually to find it like that. At everything you do, everything you see, you’ll praise your ‘Gods’ and then that’s it? I think that’s something... Something I do not like.

And about those Demigod; half mortal half God. Isn’t  it like confusing? They’re a mortal, like normal person, but a God... That is also something weird,... and confusing. And so maybe to make it short, I hate myths and legends or even fairytales.

Curse me if you want, but I don’t care. I mean, people made those stories for bedtime so kids could let their mind explore and imagine. But as soon as I realize things, bit by bit, I’m starting to NOT to believe them anymore. I used to be a big fan Santa before, but when I caught my mom placing my ‘Santa’ gift under the Christmas tree, I know it right then that Santa doesn’t really exist. And sixteen year olds are pretty old to believe in Santa.

So why do I hate Myths and Legends, Fairytales and Folklore so much? Well, maybe I just don’t believe. No particular reason and nobody not even the sweetest talker in my whole class made me believe that nonsense.

Even my friends Tara and Stacey don’t believe in them. I don’t know why actually. I guess it’s mutual to us have the same things to like and dislike.

My thoughts trailed that I didn’t notice that English was done. Almost everybody was out the classroom when I started to collect my things. I am such an absent-minded girl, I don’t deny that.

I was on my way to the door when Ms. Claire appeared next to me. Oh God, what now? I hope I’m not going to get into trouble because the last time this happened, I ended up being stuck in a week detention PLUS three hours worth of extra credit. And that’s not all, Principal John made me watch or maybe be a librarian for a day. For what reason? For talking to her. Ms. Claire attracts sooooo much trouble when I’m with her. No, it is not an exaggeration.

I searched the corridors, or more like hallways for help from both of my friends that I haven’t saw since first period. It makes me a little bit unease.

“So, Ianna.” Ms. Claire started.

Oh boy here comes trouble. I think I could sense it already. A week worth of detention and I have to tutor some middle school students who are left behind with their class, let alone those who loves to play some prank when you turned your head for a millisecond.

“Sooooo... Miss Claire. What brought you to approach me? It’s not your usual you.” I said, speaking out the truth. I’m a bad liar, believe me.

Miss Claire smiled lightly, and that signals for me to count the countdown for trouble...




“I need your help.” She said. I raised an eyebrow. No one would ever approach me for help; they’ll end up helping me instead.

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