Happy Little Pill

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Lisa's POV

"Are you feeling better today?" my sister asked me as I waltzed out of my bedroom. My head throbbed, my body felt like it's going to smash to the floor any given second. I heard talking, but all I've heard was just blabbering and words that had no sense.

"...to do this and then we should probably...Lisa are you even paying attention?" I've heard this sentence, but I didn't care, because my head was pounding, I felt like my mind was killing me.

"Lisa!" Lauren snapped with her fingers right in front of my face. I didn't budge, just glanced at her emotionless and glared at her with my already tired and heavy eyes. Her strict expression changed in a second into a softer one.

"Lisa...your eyes are blood shoot red..." she told me confused, "So, what?" I cut her off without a sign of care. "But...still, your eyes..." she just didn't wanted to stop, "God damn, Lauren I know my eyes are red like blood itself!" I snapped right in front of her.

"We have an appointment at the counselor in an hour," she quietly said. Her talking irritated me, so I focused on the ceramic vase in front of me and stared at it. Pretty sure, I was beginning to get cross eyed.

"Your eyes are crossed," Lauren remarked like it already wasn't something obvious.

"Shit! Don't you think I know!" I snapped once again, angrily grabbed my coat and headed towards the door. "Where the heck are you going?" she shouted behind me. "I'm going to the counselor!" I replied irritated.

"But you don't know where it is!"

"Trust me, I do know!" I snapped back. Her expression saddened and she stared at me, "But I don't know where it is..." in that moment I slammed with the door. As I walked to the elevator, I remembered I forgot my pills in the bottle. I headed back and opened the door, "Won't you wait for me?" she asked worried. I ignored her question and got into the bedroom, grabbed the bottle, which I hid under the mattress, put it into my purse, before I left I was sure to open the windows, so the room could be full of fresh air and calmly walked out of my bedroom.

"Will you wait for me?" she questioned once again, "No, figure it out yourself!" my reply was pretty vicious, I slammed with the front door and walked back to the elevator. I stepped into it and stared at my smudged reflection in front of me. Or was it blurry? It was something between those two for sure.

I got in front of the hotel and glanced left and right for taxis, my vision was a little blurry, but despite it, I managed to orientate myself. A young guy, who seemed my age, come up to me with a hoodie over his head, "Hey, do you wanna buy any weed?" I knew there were a lot of drug dealers and abusers in New York and that it was a pretty dangerous city, but I declined the offer, "No thanks, but I bought it myself a couple of days ago," I gave him a soft smile. "Oh, some other time then," the dealer gave me a smug smile and disappeared into the crowd, soon nowhere to be seen.

I remembered the joints I smoked in my room, right before Lauren pointed out my blood shoot eyes and chuckled to myself. I guess pot makes me a little bit giggly and pretty irritated on the other hand also. I started smoking it a few years ago, every so often, but in the last couple of years I started smoking it quite often. Could you call it an addiction? Probably not, at least I don't see it as one.

I grabbed a taxi eventually and I arrived in front of the building where the counselor held our meeting at 10 am. A couple of times I chuckled to myself and looked at my watch, which was 9:52 am. I slowly headed towards the building and sat in front of his office, at approximately 9:58 am. I waited for two minutes and the counselor opened his office. I stood up and walked into his office.

"Hello, I'm doctor Marx, nice to meet you," he smiled to me and I returned the smile.

"Hello, nice to meet you too, I'm Lisa Cimorelli," I gave him one of my charismatic smiles and shook his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2016 ⏰

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