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Lauren's POV

I felt a cold breeze of air on my face, but for some reason it felt good. A moment later I felt a cold water splashed in my face, I felt the coldness that reached to my bones. I sat up in my bed, it was so cold and I was shivering so much. I slowly turned my head and saw Lisa on my left holding a bucket.

"L-l-lisa," I sluttered quietly and shocked, I was so cold. She made a big grin. That creep!

"Mom!" I yelled really loudly, but my voice cracked a bit, probably because of cold. Mom broke into the room and looked shocked at me and Lisa.

"What happened here?" she asked yelling at us, she looked very confused though. Who would blame her?

"S-s-she threw a bucket of water in my face."I sluttered, I was freezing.

"Lisa! Go to your dad's office! Now!" mom yelled at Lisa, Lisa mumbled something and frowned and then left. Was this a punishment from Lisa? Getting a bucket of cold water in the head?

"Honey, get changed and then go to your dad's office," Mom said motherly and stroked my wet hair. After she left I got changed in my comfy clothes and went down the stairs. As I walked stair by stair, with my hair still a bit wet, Katherine looked at me weirdly.

"What happened to you?" she asked me as she passed me on the stairs.

"A bucket of cold water," I said quietly, her eyes bawled.

"Who did this?" she asked me confused and worried, I shook my head in answer "it doesn't matter". She then walked upstairs confused shrugging. As I walked towards dad's office, Christina passed me and grabbed my arm gently.

"What happened to you?" she asked me and made a weird face.

"A bucket of cold water," I said quietly once again and glanced at her, she frowned.

"Who did this to you?" she asked me, I sighed annoyed. She was still waiting for my answer.

"No one," I rolled  my eyes, I wanted to pass her, but she grabbed my arm again.

"Please tell me," she said quietly and looked at me very caringly. I shook my head in fear, but her look was gazing at me and it kind of became obnoxious.

"L-l-lisa," I quietly sluttered, her look now became strict and serious.

"It was Lisa?" she asked me once again, but this time she was shocked, I nodded softly and played with my fingers nervously.

"Okay, now go to the place you wanted to go," she said and patted my shoulder awkwardly, her gaze was furious and I could see the rage in her eyes. I quickly walked to dad's office and stopped right in front of the door. I knocked. Silence.

"Dad?" I shouted. No one answered so I walked in and closed the door.

"Hello Lauren," Lisa ginned, I glared at her in confusion and fear. I tried to act strong.

"Lisa," I said quietly, I was furious and angry. I sat on the other comfy chair, that was next to Lisa's. The chairs were close to dad's wooden desk and on the other side, there was dad's chair. I felt like I'm on a job interview. We were both quiet and waited. Not a word, not a glance, nothing.

"Where's dad?" I asked, without looking at Lisa.

"I don't know," she replied coldly, I could feel her eyes creeping on me. So I tried to look at her with that rage in my eyes, just like Christina's.

"You got a problem?" I sassed to her, she snapped out.

"No, just staring at how ugly you are," Lisa said coldly and looked away. That hurted, she should know that, since she had problems with that things in the past.

"Lisa!" the door opened and a voice said, we both looked behind our backs and saw Christina at the doors.

"We must talk, now!" Christina said loudly, but coldly and strictly, Lisa's face was now worried and full of fear. I observed both of my sisters.

"We can't do it right now, you know why," Lisa said and shook her head worried.

"But we will talk later, be ready!" Christina said and left with slamming with the doors. Me and Lisa both looked at each other and then away. We sat in silence after that.


End of chapter :)))) Nothing big happening in this chapter though. What do you think? Tell me what did you liked and what not :) Team who? Comment and vote for the chapter if you liked it, I appreciate the long comments and I'm more interested in your opinion :) I wrote the chapter before really good, but it got deleted -.- and I wrote it again really lazily :P I update when I get more than 30 votes :P Have fun and enjoy guiseeee :)))))

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