Ch. 15

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Three days.  It's been three days since Raven has spoken to or even looked at Edward. At school,  during class,  she ignored him, when they'd be in the hall she ignored him, during lunch she ignored him, and when they were outside heading towards their cars she ignored him.

For three long days Edward was forced to go without her smile, laugh or touch.  He hated that he'd hurt her but he knew she needed to know the truth behind why they kept Rowina and not her. They owed her an explanation.

"Raven, you have to talk to him," Bella says, rubbing her sisters back. "I can literally see him dying on the inside."

Raven shakes her head.

"Stop being stubborn and forgive the guy," Bella scolds. "You and I both know he was only trying to help."

Raven turns her head to glare at her. "I really don't want to make you drop this conversation but at this particular moment, you're annoying me,  I'm tempted to do just that."

Bella glares at her. "You wouldn't dare."

A sinister smile crept up on her face. "Or I could always make you dance like a chicken with its head cut off."

Bella jumped into her feet,  earning stares from everyone in the lunch room."You wouldn't."

Raven stood up. "Would you like to make a bet?"

Bellas whole face turned red as she looked around at all the students watching them. "No,  but could you please make all of them atop staring at us," she asked. "It's really starting to creep me out."

Raven turns around to look around at everyone. "Nothing to see here. Look away."

And just like that...they all looked away.

"Thank you."

Raven turns to her,  a serious look on her face, "You can thank me by dropping this whole Edward thing."

Bella sighed. "I don't mean to annoy you,  Raven can't ignore him forever. I can tell that not talking to him is getting to you," she says. " miss him almost as much as he misses you. You're not as happy, now, as you are when you're with him."

Raven glances over at the Cullen's empty table. She did miss him. She missed talking to him,  making him laugh, and or smile.  She even missed him being all protective of her,  asking her not to go in the woods alone and to be careful.

She was mad at him, that much she knew, but not mad enough to have ignored him for three days,  now going on four. She was mad at the fact that he was able to see though her facade. She'd always been able to hide how she truly felt about a situation from everyone.  Until she met him.  He's always been able to see the truth in her and she had to admit that it was hard for her knowing she couldn't hide anything from him when she felt the need too.  She didn't plan on lying to him,  just keeping it to herself,  but he would always see through her and it didn't really sit too well with her.

She was also taking her anger out, towards Regina and Brian, on Edward.  And she was wrong. She knew she needed to fix things with him, and she really wanted to. She missed being with him, near him. 

"You're right," she said meeting Bella's gaze."I miss him, terribly."

"So,  what are you going to do about it?"

"I can't do anything about it now.  They're out hiking,"

"Call him or text him.  Let him know you want to talk."

Raven shakes her head. "I don't want to do any of this over the phone. I'd rather do it in person,"

"So, you're going to go over there tomorrow?"

She nods. "Yeah."

"Good.  I don't think I would have been able to go a fifth day of seeing the two of you talking," Bella said."It's been painful to watch you ignore him when he so badly wanted to be with you."

Raven made a face. "I was being a brat, wasn't I? "

Bella nods. "Yeah, just a little." she laughs.

Raven sighs. "Let's hope he's not too upset and doesn't want to see me anymore."

Bella shakes her head. "Impossible. He loves you too much to never want to see you again,"

She suddenly got an idea. "Hey, you think dad would mind if I stayed at their place tonight? I want to be there when they make it there tomorrow."

Bella shakes her head. "As long as he knows Edward won't be there.  I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

"I'm going to call him and ask."

"Good idea,"


After Charlie, reluctantly,  agreed to let her stay at the Cullen's house, Raven packed an over night bag and rushed out to Bella's truck

"You don't think they'd mind you being there while they're gone?" Bella asked her.

Raven shakes her head. "Carlisle and Esme said I was welcome over anytime," she says. "This is any time."

Bella chuckles. "That's true." she said as she turned down a little g empty road. "So, how many times have you been here?"

"Not very many times but quite a few," Raven says. "The house is very beautiful."

"I can imagine so," Bella says.

"There it is," Raven says pointing to the only house on the street that went almost unnoticed to Bella.

"Holy shit!" Bella gasped at the beautifully wooded and glass house. "Who are these people?"

 "Who are these people?"

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Raven chuckled."Calm down, Bella,"

"I'm sorry it's" she says as she pulled to a stop in front of the house.

Raven shakes her head. "Let dad know that you didn't see Edward here. I'm sure he probably thinks I'm lying about him not being here," she says as she climbs out of the truck.

Bella nods. "Will do. Be careful,  Raven. I love you."

"Always, and I love you, too."

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