Ch. 12

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Raven and Edward had been talking for almost an hour before everyone showed up, "Raven, you're awake!" Screamed Bella as she entered her room.

Raven covered her ears at the sound of her sister screaming, "Yes, I am but I may just slip back into another coma if you continue to scream like that." she groaned.

Bella rushed to her side and pulled her into an embrace,"Oh my God! I've missed you so much!" She cried, tightening her hold on her younger sister.

Raven chuckled,"I can't really say the same seeing as I was asleep the entire time and it feels like I only took a few hours to nap but," she pulls away and meets her sisters gaze,"If the rolls were reverse, I pray to God that it never comes to pass, I would miss you too."

"Oh sweetie, I'm so glad you're awake!" Charlie boomed, holding back tears while Renee were letting them fall loosely.

"So am I, Dad." She says, accepting his embrace.

"How are you feeling?" Renee asked her before pulling her into an embrace after Charlie stepped back,"Are feeling alright?"

Raven nods,"Yes, mom, I'm feeling fine."

"Are you sure?" She questioned, looking her over.

"Mom, I look as I have in the last five months." She says,"The I my difference is that I'm awake."

Renee sighs and wraps her arms around her once again." I'm so happy you're awake." She cries.

Raven wraps her arms around her mother and holds her to her tightly,"So am I, mom." She says, by trying her face in the nape of her neck.

"I love you, honey."

"I love you, too."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door,"Come in." Raven calls out.

The door opened and in stepped three people; a man, a woman and a teenage girl; all with Ravens exact skin complexion,"Hi, who are you?" Raven questioned, getting straight to the point.

"My name is Regina, this is my husband Brian and our daughter Rowina." The woman says.

Raven raised a brow as if to ask what they were doing her but then her gaze shifted towards an angry yet also very worried looking Edward,"Edward?" She called for his attention.

His gaze met hers and she could fully see the anger and worry in his eyes.

"Who are you people, exactly? Why are you here?"

Regina looked to her husband before taking a step forward,"We're here to see you, We're here to see....our daughter." She says softly.

The room erupted into a chorus of gasps at the revelation,"You're you're her biological parents?" Bella questioned.

Regina nods,"Yes, we are."

"So, you're the monsters who just left my baby girl on our front porch!?" Charlie snaps, moving to take a step in their direction but, Emmett being closest to him, placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Dad, It's - it's alright." Raven says, her gaze never leaving the people standing before her,"I'm fine." She lied. She was fighting back her anger and hatred for these people and she was fighting hard. How dare they come here and cal themselves her parents. Who the hell did they think they were. Her eyes then fell onto the girl standing beside Regina. She looked to be around her same age,"Rowina, how old are you?" She questioned.

"I'm fifteen. I'll be sixteen in three months on the fifth of September." She says calmly.

Ravens eyes, along with everyone else's, widen in complete shock. They shared the same birthday which only meant one thing. They were twins?

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