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Raven, along with Bella, made her way to her next class - English with a Mrs. Grayson. She was excited about English, it was her favorite subject in school.

"How's your classes been so far?" she questioned her as they walked into the class room full of talking students. The teacher was walking around the room placing a sheet of paper on each of their desks, which were beside each other in groups of four.

"So far so great. Though I do believe I may have made a friend or an.enemy of the Cullen kid." Raven says.

"Why do you think that?" Bella asked.

Raven shrugged,"I don't know, I'm just assuming." She says before the teacher finally notices them and speaks up.

"The two of you must be the Swan Girls." she says with a smile,"I'm Mrs. Hart and I will be your English teacher for this semester." she states.

"My name is Bella and this is my sister Raven." says

"Or you can call me Rave and her Issy." Raven adds.

Mrs. Hart smiles at them.both before saying,"Bella, why don't you have a seat in the desk across from Alice Cullen and Rave you may have a seat beside your sister." she says.

"Who's Alic-" Raven grabbed her hand and pulled her in Alice's direction.

"Hey, Alice, it's been a while." Raven says as she and Bella takes their seat.

Alice smiles at her,"Its been three hours, Detective Swanson." she joked.

"My point exactly." she chuckled before turning to Bella,"Bella, this is Alice Cullen and her brother Edward Cullen. Alice, Edward - my sister Bella." She says softly with a smile.

"It's nice to meet you, Bella." Alice says.

"Likewise." Bella says before glancing at a stiff Edward.

"Pleasure." he says.

Bella nods at him,"Same to - to you." she fished out causing Raven to chuckle.

"Someone's nervous." she states.

Bella glares at her but also blushes Scarlett red,"Shut up." she hissed.

Raven shrugs before turning her attention towards Alice and Edward,"I am sure Edward has spoken to you regarding our previous conversation in Chemistry class."

Alice tosses a quick glance in Edwards direction before letting it fal back onto Raven,"Yes, he has."

"Would I be right to assum he has informed you and your family that I have no intentions of giving you a reason NOT to trust me?" she questioned.

Alice nods with a smile,"Yes, he has. I believe you have great intentions regarding my family and I." she says.

Bella is left sitting there confused,"I'm sorry but What is going on here?" she questioned.

Alice turns to her,"Your sister -"

"Wants them to know that they can trust least as much as they can trust someone they've only met three hours ago." Raven finished for her. She had NO intentions of allowing Bella to know about ANYTHING that was going on right now. She didn't doubt that her sister could handle such news it's just...she just didn't want her sister to get involved in something that could possibly put her life in danger and that she couldn't come back from. She didn't care about putting herself in danger, she could take care of herself and she would deal with the consequences however she pleased. Plus, her weirdness out ranked Bella's weirdness.

"Why would -"

"You ask to many questions, Bella." says Raven, causing Bella to groan and roll her eyes.

With a smile, Raven glances at Edward,"So, are you not going to speak to me?" she questioned.

He just stares at her.

"If I am correct, I do recall explaing to you that ignoring me would be a waste of time seeing as I'm not going any where any time soon." She says softly,"So you mind as well do yourself the favor and put your pride aside and talk to me." she says.

Edward glances over at an amused Alice and a blushing Bella before turning his gaze on Raven who now has her arm folded over her chest,"You are correct." he says,"...but it would also be good for you AND your sister if you did not befriend me and my family." he says before gazing at Bella,"it would be in your sisters best interest If she steered clear of my family and I."

Raven glares at him,"Hey, do NOT speak of me to my sister, to ANYONE, as if I am not in the room." she hissed,"And I make my OWN decisions which also.means I decided who and or WHAT is best interest, NOT you!" she snapped softly before turning to Bella,"It would be in you AND Edwards best interest if NEITHER of you told me what to do OR who I can and can not be friends with." she says seriously before glancing over at a very happy looking Alice.

"Wow." Alice says.

"Will it be a problem if we're friends, Alice?" she questioned.

Alice shook her head,"Not at all." she says.

Raven then looks over at Edward,"Welcome to the Family, Edward Cullen Swan." she says,"because I'm not going anywhere." she stated with a wicked smile.

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