Ch. 3

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I sat cross-legged on the hood of the car watching as everyone moved all around the parking lot. Now, you're probably wondering why everyone is outside and not in school. Well, some doe-doe thought it would be funny to pull the fire alarm. Humans these days, right? Anyway, as I sit on the hood of the car, I noticed that Isabella is standing next to some orange beat-up truck standing stock still, staring at something...or someone....or something. Whatever it, she, or he is...she is staring hard at them or it. So, I follow her gaze and I come upon the group of people whose car I'd hidden behind earlier this morning. What were their names?

Oh, I remember!

teddy and Pale One!

Why in the reincarnation of Bob Marley is she staring at them like they're a case of dark liquor sitting in front of a recovering alcoholic? Shaking my head, I decide to stand on the hood of the car and call out her name, "Isy-Zilla!" I screamed just before doing a backflip off the hood and landing on my feet, earning a few claps and whistles here and there.

"Cool move!" someone yelled.

I shook my head before moving in my sister's direction, "Are you TRYING to get yourself killed?" she scold me.

"Depends," I said.

She looked at me as if she was waiting for me to go on, "...on what? Depends on what? Would you finish your sentence for once." she snapped.

I poked my hip out dramatically and placed my hand on my hip, "Yes, Yes I soon as you stop staring at people like they're a bag of powdered donuts." I spat at her. I could tell that she was contemplating whether or not she should say anything but me being me, I didn't give her a chance to before I walked passed her towards TeddyEm and Pale One, "What's up, TeddyEm and Pale One." I called out to them.

I watched a smile grace their lips before Pale One stepped forward, "Raven, it's so nice to see you again." she says with a bright smile.

"Same to you, Pale One," I responded.

"Pale One?" she questioned with a raised brow.

"I never got your name AND you ARE very pale." I pointed out.

"Ooh! My name is Alice Cullen," she says holding out her hand.

I smile at her and take her hand, "Alice Cullen, such an old-fashioned name for a young girl." I responded.

She shrugged, "My parents were old-fashioned." she says.

"Nice." I replied before my gaze drifted to her family behind her, "So, what are your names?" I questioned, moving past her and stopping directly in front of the three unrecognizable people. They shared a glance before Alice stepped forward.

"You guys this is Raven Swan, she and her sister are new here. Raven this is my sister Rosalie Hale, my boyfriend Jasper Hale, and my brother Edward Cullen." she introduced them.

I smiled at them, "It's nice to meet all of you." I stated, holding out my hands towards Rosalie who just looked at it for a few seconds before hesitantly reaching out and taking it.

"Nice to meet you too, Raven," she says.

I smile at her and find myself saying, "You're VERY, VERY, VERY pretty!" I said in awe.

She offers me a smile, "Thank you. I think you're very, very, very pretty, too." she says.

"Thank you." I replied just before the school bell rang for the next class to begin, "Well, it was nice meeting all of you but I must run off to class before my sister hunts me down, grabs me by my hair, and drag me off to class," I said causing Rosalie, Jasper, Emmett and Alice to smile. Edward just stood beside his car staring at me in what looked to be a bit of frustration, "I'll see the five of you around. And maybe next time, Edward, we can have a conversation about how very, very, very pretty...' I' am." I say before smiling at them one more time and walking away and towards a shocked Isabella.

"Wha- "

"Close your mouth, honey, before a bird flies in."

She glares at me, "It's fly...before a FLY flies in." she corrected me...or so she thought.

"Fly, duck, bird...all three have wings," I say.

She groaned, "You need some serious help, Raven." she says.

"That's good to know. I will make sure to head to the sixth floor whenever we visit the hospital. Okay?"

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Whatever."

"Hey, I'm agreeing to do as you have said. I need help and what better way to get help than heading to the sixth floor?" I questioned.

"You know what I mean, Rave."

I sighed, "Look, can we just get to class? I don't feel like listening to anyone bitch and complain about us being tardy. If I do I may be forced to go Damon Salvatore and drink them dry."

I hear a soft chuckle escape her lips, "Only you, Rave, only you."

I smile at her, "I'm one of a kind." I say before linking our arms and resting my head on her shoulder as we head down the hall to our next class.


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