Ch. 5

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"So, Edward Cullen, how old are you?" I ask him.

He just stares at me for a while before answering,"Seventeen." he says softly.

"Hmmm, are you sure?" I questioned him.

"I am sure. Why do you ask?" he questioned.

I shrugged,"No reason." I say before moving on to the next question,"Do you have any children?"

He shakes his head,"No, I do not."

"Do you WANT children?"

A sad look crossed over his features,"I would love to have children." he says.

I can't help but smile at him,"One day you will and you will make a great dad." I say.

He meets her gaze,"How can you.make such an assumption when you know nothing of me?" he questioned.

"I do know least a few things. You're seventeen, you don't have any children but you want them, you're about five foot ten, you have dark eyes, bronze hair and your name is Edward Cullen." I say with a smile,"I'm very observant, Mr. Cullen."

"That you are." he says,"May I ask you a few questions since you now know more about me than I know about you?"

I nod,"Ask away." I say.

"What's you're favorite book?"

"Loving Dasia, a very epic book. Could make even give the most non-believer of love hope of finding someone." I say.

"It's that good?" he questioned.

I nod,"It gave me hope." I say with a small smile.

"You didn't believe in love?" he asked.

I shook my head,"I still don't but reading that book gave me hope that one day, maybe in another life, that I will find that guy that I won't want to live without and who will love me no matter what, flaws and all." I say.

A small smile forms on his lips,"I'm going to have to read that book." he says.

"You should." I say.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Colors. Black and red but a blood red."

"How tall are you?"

"Five foot eight."

"I've noticed that your eyes aren't just one particular color. What are they usually?"

"Usually they 're blue gray but they change between green and brown most of time." I say.

"Interesting. What's you favorite movie?" he asked.

"Would it be weird if I said my favorite movie is Darkness Falls? It's a movie about a murderous tooth fairy. If your tooth came out, she'd come for it but if you lay eyes on her masked face she'd kill you but only in darkness. The light burns her." I said softly.

"It's not weird, different, but not weird. Not may girls are fans of scary movies but I am going to assume you're not like most girls." he says.

I smile and nod,"Good assumption." I say.

He smiles,"Is it a good assumption if I assum you're a very outspoken person?" he questions.

Again, she nods,"Yes, that would also be a good assumption." she say a,"Now, would it be a good assumption if I assum you and your family aren't like most people?" she questioned.

She watched him visibly stiffen, something most people wouldn't have noticed, and she would swear on a stack of phone books that his eyes grew a shade darker,"Why would you assume such?" he asked.

She shrugs,"I don't know. It could be because all of you have an undeniable beauty that most would find hard to explain, you all also share very many of the same physical characteristics for people who were adopted and you all have a voice that would make even Lucifer himself cry form jealousy." she explains calmly,"Or because not once, since we have been getting to know each other, have I seen you take one breath." she finishes just as the bell rings.

Gathering her things, she spoke again,"Don't worry yourself, Eddie. If it's me running around shouting from the roof tops that you're not a breather you're worried about, don't be." she says gazing over at him as she threw her bag over her shoulder,"I know how to keep a secret...especially one that isn't mine to tell." she says before placing her hand on his shoulder, leaning over and placing a soft kiss on his cool, marble like cheek,"I'll see you around Eddie." she then walks away leaving him to his thoughts.

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