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"And who might the two of you ladies be?" a man who looked to be in his mid-forties with gray hair and a mustache questioned the moment we step into the classroom.

"My name is Isabella Swan but you can call me, Bella," she says.

"Agent Swanson but my undercover name is Raven Swan but you can call me Rave," I said with a smile.

"Well, Bella, Rave, please have a seat wherever you like," he says.

"And you are...civilian?"

"Mr. Krouse. I am your chemistry teacher for the semester," he says.

"I don't like chemistry but nice name. Almost like Klaus from TVD- which stands for The Vampire Diaries for those who don't know- but you're NOTHING like him." I stated.

He smiles at me, "Thank you, Ms. Swan. No, please find a seat." he says.

Turning around, I searched the room for a place to sit and I had three options. Option one is a seat next to a white guy with red hair, large muscles, and a tattoo on his neck. Option two is a seat next to a black guy with a buzz cut, blue eyes, muscular arms, and an arm covered in tattoos. And the third option is a seat next to Edward Cullen, Emmett and Alice Cullen's brother.

Smiling, I skipped over to the chair beside him, "Hiya, Eddie." I say cheerfully. He glances over at me and says nothing but he does stiffen up and slowly places his hand over his nose, "What, do I smell?" I question, smelling my armpits, my hair, and my breath.

He still says nothing, "Could you at least shake your head or nod?"

He nods.

"Okay, good. We are getting somewhere. Do I smell bad?"

He shakes his head.

"Do I smell good?" I ask.

He nods.

I smile, "That's a relief. I was worried I smelled like a tuna sandwich." I chuckled before meeting his gaze head-on, "Is the smell too strong?" I ask.

He nods, "Yes." he finally speaks.

I can't say that I am not amazed by his voice. He - his voice- sounded very...elegant, soothing even. It sounded so...inhuman. It was as if he was singing the word yes, "Wow, your voice is unhumanly elegant." I say aloud.

He seemed to stiffen a bit but managed to speak up, "Unhumanly?" he questioned.

I smile at him and nod, "Yes. Your voice is not a normal one, one that you get out of bed and hear every day. It's...nice." I say. He just looks at me not saying a word and it makes me wonder what he's thinking, "What are you thinking?"

He raises a brow, "Why do you want to know?" he questioned.

I shrugged, "Mainly because you are just looking at me and I have come to wonder what you are thinking about while your gaze is on me." I say truthfully.

I watched as the corners of his lips tilted up, "You're not like anyone I've ever met." he says.

Now, it was my time to raise a brow, "How can you be sure of that when you know nothing of me but my name and the fact that I wonder?" I ask him.

He finally lowers his hand to the table - though he'd moved his stool to the other end of the table - and tilted his head to the side a bit, "I guess I can't." he says.

I winked, "I know. Now, Mr. Eddie, would you like to meet me, the girl who's like no one you've ever met before?" I questioned.

His smile seemed to disappear just as quickly as it had appeared, "I don't think that would be such a good idea." he says.

"It's not like you can avoid it," I say.

"It's not?" he questioned.

I shook my head, "No, it's not. Alice, Emmett, and I have an already growing friendship, which means I will be around often, which also means you won't be able to avoid me." I say with a smile.

He sighs, "I guess I have no other choice than to meet you." he says.

I smile and hold out my hand, "Hello, my name is Raven Swan but you can call me Rave." I say.

He stares at my hand for several seconds before reaching out and taking mine, "I'm Edward Cullen." he says.

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