Ch. 10

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It's been a weekend a half since Raven and The Cullens spoke about her ability to get others to do as she pleases and about the Cullens being vampires and things have been...good.

"So, how are things on the other side with The Cullens?" Bella questioned.

Raven smiles,"Good. They're okay with me having this ability and I'm okay with them being okay with me having this ability.".

Bella chuckles at her comment,"Sure you are." She says softly,"Anyway, I need to talk to you."


"Jacob Black." She says.

A wide grin spread out across Ravens lips,"Jake, is so hot!" She nearly screamed, causing several people to look her way.

"Would you keep it down?" Bella scold,"I don't want the entire school to know what we're speaking about."

Raven shrugged,"Sorry, It's just...he's so freaking hot." She states,"Wait, did he say anything about me?" She asked, making herself blush.

Bella shakes her head as a small frown graced her features,"Oh, so you like Jacob?"

Raven nods,"Yeah. I've tired not to because it seems as if he doesn't look at me that way but lately he's been around a lot more and all flirty." She says.

Bella nods before lowering her gaze to the table, causing Raven to burst out laughing,"Oh. My. God! You like him." She says.

Bella's head shoots up and her eyes are wide as she stares back at her younger sister,"What?"

"You heard me! You, Isabella Marie Swan, like Jacob Black." She responded,"I can see it all over your face. You're crushing on Jake."

Bella sighs and shrugs,"It doesn't matter because it can only remain just that."


"I'm not going to pursue a guy my sister really likes. That wouldn't be right." She says.

Raven shakes her head,"Bella, honey, I was joking." She says with a smile as she reached across the table and placed a hand on hers,"I like Jake, I do, but not in a romantic way. We're friends and it will remain that way until the day I fall out of a glass window."

Raven could see relief flood Bella's eyes in that moment,"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure." She says,"Plus, I have a crush on a specific human here so I can't be greedy." She chuckled,"I'm going to stick with my human while you stick to yours. Deal?"

Bella nods,"Deal."

Raven was going for a run through the woods when something flashed by her rather quickly. She stopped running and looked around but saw nothing. So, taking out her head head phones she listened for anything that could let her know that she wasn't alone but nothing but the sounds of birds chirping surrounded her.

"Hello?" She called out.

Nothing answered back.

Shrugging, she went to turn around to finish her run when she nearly ran into someone,"Whoa, personal space isn't much to ask for." She hissed, taking a few steps back.

"What's your name?" The man asked.

Raven lifted her gaze to get a good look at him. He had chin length black hair, he was dressed in a v-neck, elbow length tight white shirt that hugged his torso deathly tight, a pair of tight blue jeans with a pair of black weird looking shoes to go with it. She also noticed that his eyes were a crimson color.

He was a vampire.

"How are you still breathing with all the tight clothes you're wearing?" She ignored his question,"You look like you're about to go to your part time job at the male on male strip club."

The man glared at her,"Watch your tongue, girl."

Raven chuckled,"Girl? I have you know that I am a young woman...Not a girl." She says.

"Your name. I asked you for it before."

"And I politely ignored your questioned." She says,"My name is my own and not for anyone, I don't want knowing, else to be honored with knowing it."

He appeared directly in front of her, glaring down at her,"Do you know what I could do to you, peasant?" He hissed.

Raven glares up at him before reaching out and pushing him. He stumbled back from shock. He hadn't expected her to attempt to become physical with him,"Who are you calling a peasant, Dr. McBlueBalls!?" She spat,"Standing there acting like you're above everyone else when you're nothing but a lonely, pathetic, emotionally wrecked version of Kermit The Frog." She spat.

"Why you little -" he back hand her and she flew back into a tree, her head colliding with it rather hard.

She groaned as she picked herself up of the ground only for him to appear before her, wrap his hand around her throat and lift her off solid ground,"Awwww, did I hurt the wittle vampires feelings?" She spat.

He grinned,"Oh, so you DO know what I am?"

She rolled her eyes,"Don't get to happy. I'm still not afraid of some beauty queen like yourself."

He growled before throwing her back against another tree, her back hitting it hard before her body fell to the ground with a thud,"Damn it. What is it with you and trees?" She groaned,"If you love them so much why don't you marry one."

"Are you mad!" He snarled,"I could kill you with a simple snap of my fingers and still you insult me!?"

Raven slowly sat up with her back pressed against the tree,"What can I say," she wiped the blood from her mouth with the back of her hand,"I don't scare easily."

"No, but," he appeared before her, kneeling down to meet her gaze,"You do break easily." He says before grabbing her right arm and snapping it in half.

"Ahhhhh!" She screamed harshly before raising one foot and kicking him in the chest, knocking him down into the dirt,"You BITCH!" She hissed, nursing her broken arm.

"How are you able to do that!" He hissed.

"You bastard!" She snapped,"Now how am I suppose to write a letter to the vampire kind about having Kermit The Frog apart of his kind." She spat, glaring up at him,"You are such a dick!"

He shakes his head,"You are one brave human, I'll give you that." He chuckled.

"So, You think because you're inhumanly strong, you drink the blood of innocent little frogs and wear tight clothes you're a race higher than humans?" She spat before chuckling, trying to keep herself awake,"I'm sorry to break it to you, Kermit but you're not. The man you were before you were "gifted" with such characteristics is still there...they're just stronger, faster and 85% more frog."

He went to strike her but before he could he was thrown several feet away from her. Growls could be heard around her . She forced herself to look around and as she did she came face to face with a giant russet wolf. She looked into its eyes for several seconds before forcing herself onto her feet, nursing her arm against her chest. She then calmly moved towards the wolf and reached out to touch it's fur.

"You're baby soft." She says with a smile.
The wolf let out a bark which she took as laughter,"Can you understand me, baby soft?"

The wolf cocked its head to the side,"What? Your fur really is that soft." She says,"You don't like the name?"

The wolf shook its head.

"So you CAN understand me! Epic!" She cheered,"I'm sticking with baby soft, though, so get use to it."

He whined.

"Stop being a bab y." She scold,"Just because that's part of your name doesn't mean you have to act like one." She says before everything started spinning. She grabbed onto the wolfs fur to hold herself up,"I REALLY don't feel so good." She says before her body began to fall.

Before could fall to the ground, the wolf lowered itself on to the ground and caught her, her body laid across its back. Worried, the wolf lets out a loud howl before carefully taking off in the opposite direction. He would take her to the only person that could really help her.

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