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[June POV]

I twist the bronze doorknob, stepping into our apartment. We want to get a house, we really do, but we just haven't found the right one yet. Day greets me, looking haggard and exhausted.

I frown at him, "Tough day John-wise?" He nods, running a hand down his face.

I tell him, "Tess wanted to come over for dinner tonight; she's bringing it. Why don't you and Eden go out and relax?"

"But you just got off work- I don't want to dump you with John after you've been at work all day."

"Honey, you've been at work all day. Being a parent is work."

Day laughs, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah it's fine- go on. Where's John?"

"In his room. Thanks for this." Day smiles and leans down to kiss me. He grabs his wallet and keys off the table. On the way out the door he grabs his leather coat.

In the hallway, I hear Day's muffled voice, "Oh hey! I was just heading out to meet Eden."

Tess' soft, high voice follows, "That's great; he's been missing you lately."

They bid each other farewell and then Tess steps into the apartment. I walk over to her and greet her. I would usually hug her as a hello, but her protruding, pregnant belly prevents that.

"How's it going?" I ask Tess.

"Good. I am randomly craving toast with butter though."

"Luckily for you, we have toast with butter."

"June, I don't even like toast with butter- why do I want it? I don't know." Tess laughs easily. She sets a big bag on our marble countertop.

"Oh! Is this dinner?" I pull open the bag to see red-topped Tupperware containers of food inside. Tess nods.

"I feel bad that you had to cook this and carry it!"

Tess shakes her head, "I'm going to be honest. I stopped at a restaurant and bought take-out on the way here." I laugh, pulling out a container and opening it. Teriyaki Chicken, rice, and noodles are inside.

The wonderful smell of restaurant food wafts out and I moan softly, "Mmmm. Looks delicious." I clip the Tupperware lid back on and open the fridge, removing the bread and butter. I throw the bread in the toaster and chop off a slice of butter. When the toaster dings, I fix Tess a plate of toast and toss it to her.

"Thanks." She says.

I walk over to the doorway and call through it, "John! Come on- dinnertime!" I hear quick, small padding footsteps run through the hallway. A fair head appears in front of me, along with a pair of bright blue eyes.

"Mama!" John says, running up and hugging me. I swing him up onto my hip.

"Look who's here," I motion towards Tess.

"Auntie Tess!" John runs to hug her. After he hugs Tess, he places a tiny hand on her stomach saying, "Hello-" He looks at me, "Mama, what did you call it?"

"That's your cousin, John."

"Hello, cousin," he tells Tess' stomach which brings a smile to her face.

John looks around the room and then says, "Where's Daddy and Uncle Eden?"

Tess tells him, "They went out for dinner together, just like we're going to have dinner together."


I'm tossing the last few empty take-out cartons in the trash as Daniel and Eden walk in, laughing. John quickly, if uncoordinatedly, hops off his stool and trots over to greet them.

Eden smiles widely, straightening his glasses. "How was dinner?"

Tess and I reply in synch, "Good."

Tess asks, "Yours?"

Daniel replies for Eden, "Fantastic, except for our waiter who genuinely hated us." We all laugh lightly.

Eden checks his watch. "We better be going; wouldn't want to keep you guys all night."

Day says, looking at Tess, "Yeah, you really should go..." He reaches a hand into his bag, which presumably holds his leftovers. "Except that we brought home dessert!" Daniel exclaims, holding out a chocolate-brown box.

At this announcement, Tess' face lights up with the exuberance of childish joy. Daniel sets the box on the counter and Tess pulls the lid off. Inside are two pieces of the most decadent looking chocolate cake I'd ever seen. Next to them is a small chocolate cupcake.

Eden wraps Tess into a hug, kissing her head, which prompts Day to do the same to me. Eden says, "A piece for each of our girls."

In a moment he sees John's downtrodden face and adds, "and John, of course," motioning to the cupcake. John claps his hands excitedly. By now, I'm just about drooling over the cake. I'm relieved when Daniel slides open our silverware drawer and hands Tess and I both a fork. I hand John his cupcake and then Tess and I dig in.


In the middle of the night, I roll away from the warmth of Daniel's body and step out of bed. My feet hit the cold floor, shocking me. I stumble blindly into the hallway, grappling for the door of the bathroom. I've just laid my hand around it when I see that John's door is open. I decide to go check on him; John usually can't fall asleep on his own and crawls into bed with us. He'd been unusually quiet tonight.

    Pushing open his door further, I step into John's room. I walk over tothe bed, leaning into the door way to peek at it and search for his tiny figure.It takes me a moment to realize that Johnisn't there. . Fear and panic lace up through my veins and into my heart, sending me into a frenzy. At first I think maybe he wandered out of bed and into the kitchen or the living room. Perhaps he's just sleeping with Macey again I think, trying to stave off my growing fear. This hope, however, does not hold when I notice the one thing I didn't notice before; John's window is open, his curtains rustling in the balmy night breeze.

"Day!" I scream, scrambling back through the hallway to get to him. I throw open the door to our bedroom, finding Daniel attempting to quickly get out of bed, his mind shaken with sleep. He looks at me, pupils so dilated from the dark that I can barely see the blue in them- the blue he shares with our son.

"What is it?" Day asks, sounding as frantic as I feel.

"John!" I exclaim, "John's gone."

And with those two words, my world has fallen into disarray.

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