The Binding

491 13 4

[Eden's POV]

I glance nervously at Daniel, who's standing next to me; my best man. He gives me a wry smile and a thumbs up just as the music starts.

My chest immediately tightens at the blare of music. I look up at the door, reflexively smoothing my hair and straightening my glasses. The heavy oaken doors swing inward. First John, one year old now (don't ask me how they got him to understand his job- I have no idea) steps out next to a young girl of about six. John, the ring bearer, is wearing a sharp black suit. He looks first at Daniel, then at me. He grins, little tufts of white-blond hair sticking up everywhere. I can't help but smile at him. The young girl, Adeline May (or Addy as we call her) is Mia's daughter. She drops blue petals from a pink basket as she walks, her little white dress swishing. My breath catches as Tess, looking absolutely radiant in her dress, steps into the hall. She's holding a bouquet of blue and white tulips and her auburn hair is swept mostly up, with curly strands framing her face. I feel my jaw drop and quickly close it again. After Tess gets a yard or so into the hall, June and Mia step out behind her. They're both wearing turquoise dresses that accent the flowers Tess is carrying.

If feels like ages until Tess reaches the altar. When she reaches it at last, she beams at me and I find myself smiling back. Everything is a blur until little John strains to hand us our rings, which are golden and look like interwoven, ivy-like vines. We slip them on each other's fingers. At the minister's command, we say our vows.

Tess begins, "I, Tess...". Tess refuses to use her last name; she claims that since her family abandoned her, she will do the same. Her lacking surname is an ever-present reminder of the scars we both harbor, the scars I hope we can heal together.

She continues, "take you, Eden Bataar Wing for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part."

Tess pauses, then adds, "and even after that" with a grin.

I take a deep breath, then say my part as well. "I, Eden Wing, take you, Tess, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life."

I wait a moment and add with a wink, "and even after that," which garners laughs from the audience.

"You may kiss the bride."

For once, I do as told.

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