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[June's Point of View]

I'm huge. That's my first thought when I wake up. My stomach is bulging. It's large and tight. I look around the room. Day is right next to me, asleep. My stare must have somehow disturbed him, because Daniel jerks awake, exposing those bright blue eyes to me.

"June!" He yells.

"Hey." I say quietly.

Day continues, "How do you feel? What do you remember?"

"I feel fine, though groggy and-" I cast a glance at my belly, "heavy. I remember being captured by August, and then you and Pascao coming for me." Day scoots over to me, grasping my hand and stroking my hair.

"That's good, really good." A sudden thought hits me, and I yank back the covers of the bed. I look at my leg. "THOMAS" is etched on it. But it's not fresh, it's scarred. I look at Day, befuddlement clouding my thoughts.

"Day, how long was I out?" Daniel eases me back into a laying position, and pulls the cover up. I see him slyly press the button to call a nurse.

"June," He says softly, "you were out about four and a half months."

"So..?" I look from Day to my stomach and back again.

"The baby's fine." I release a sigh I didn't know I was holding.

"And you? You're fine?" I ask Day. His beautiful faces blooms into a smile.

"Better than ever, know that you're awake!" Daniel leans over and kisses me. A grin sprouts on my face. To my utmost surprise, I feel quite well. Like I just woke up from a very long nap. That is, until a thought hits me. A sinking feeling drowns my ecstasy.

I ask Day, "How far along is it?" Rubbing my stomach. Day sighs, and rubs his neck with the back of his hand. He looks thin. I wonder if he's been eating enough... Four months! I was out almost half a year. Panic and disorientation grip me, anxiety filling my being. I feel like I'm about to hurl.

Day, oblivious, says, "About seven months. Due in about a month and half- July."

I eek out, "July?" before throwing up over the side of the bed. Day presses the nurse call button several more times. He reaches over, stroking my hair.

"Feel better?" I shake my head no. It was early January when August captured me. It still feels like January to me. But its May- late May -or June- I don't even know.

Day crawls onto the bed beside me. The springs squeak as his weight compresses the mattress.

"June," he says softly, "these four months without you... They've been-" Day pauses, shaking his head ruefully, "awful, to say the least." He wraps a protective arm around me. Daniel turns his head towards mine, his ensnaring eyes locking me in their view.

He continues sharply, "I never want to lose you ever again." I nod, and before he can continue with more sappy words, I kiss Daniel into silence.

A sad curiosity fills me, and I ask Day, "Did Tess and Eden get married? They hadn't set the date when..."

Day shakes his head, "No. They set the date for October. I think they would have anyway. The both love the fall and they wanted to wait until we were settled with the baby-"

I interrupt Day, "Do you know what it is?"

Day's face clouds with confusion, "Know what what is?"

I clarify, "The baby, do you know if it's a boy or girl? Sorry for interrupting, but I just realized..." My thoughts seem to be ending in dead ends today.

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